Dana White needs to step down

His blatant crybaby coping at the post fight presser was despicable.
He disrespected the new champion and made excuse after excuse for Adesanya.
The UFC needs to clean house and get rid of the dead wood.
Dana, Buffer, Rogan, DC, Arianny all need to go.
They’ve had enough of a ride on the gravy train, time to make way for some new blood.


OP you seem very derpy

Mongo = Common Abbreviation for Mongoloid.

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forum nerd gonna forum nerd…

nothing to see here…


As long as the UFC is profitable,Dana stays.


I don’t love every move or agree with every decision, but overall, Dana White is the best CEO/Commissioner type of guy in all sports.

His take on the guy who yelled faggot was perfect. It’s not ideal, not what we like, but guys get fired up, and he apologized for his initiative. Let’s move on.

NFL or NBA Commissioner would be out in a gimp suit marching in a parade to apologize and virtue signal.

The guy brought Strikeforce, WEC, Pride, Bellator, and Affliction fighters into the UFC. He makes most of the big fights people want to see, has grown the brand recognition from fringe to mainstream, stays accessible to the fans, and every personal interaction I have heard described him as a nice guy.


Treats the fighters well and pays them well…….

From a business POV, sean being champ is not good.

Having an American caucasian champion in a sport that has most of its ppv buys from Caucasian Americans can’t be terrible for business.


Sean is way more popular than people realise.
People are fed up with woke bullshit and to have a character like Sean as the new champ is awesome.
Dana needs to treat the man with the respect he deserves.


As much as he has his faults, Dana is as anti PC a big spotlight CEO is an any big sport or business.

Although he does allow the women’s fights to continually be dogshit and is now making the worst announcers in MMA even worst by brining in a female (like every other sport).

Still, it would get much worse without him IMO.

Especially knowing who owns the UFC now.


Hey leave DC out of this.
Dana needs to go.
DC just needs a some lunch.

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Good list OP. We should add Anik as well, he is not that old but he absolutely sucks.

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Lol what? Im sorry but a white, American, blue collar dude is the best case

Out of all of the sporting promoters and CEOs and presidents in all of the sports. Dana is probably one of the best there has ever been, love or hate the guy. He’s got a passion for the sport and everything he does.

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The time for him to step down was years ago. He’s already done the damage, prevented MMA from becoming a legitimate sport in the eyes of the general public, and traded respectability and longevity for quick profits. He’s the driver on a car with three flat tires now.

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forum nerds gonna forum nerd…

Op - where the fuck were you when I was being fisted into everybody’s eye sockets by this asshole…?

Sincerely - Slap Fight

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