Dana white : Stockton with Nate Diaz

MCFreaks - 
epwar -
MCFreaks - 
Tigerbythetail -
MCFreaks - Nate isn't very smart. He won a huge fight and he needed to capitalize on it. What does he do if McGregor just says "Fuck it. Nate's too big. I just want to defend my title and play around with Mayweather. "?
Nate has nothing then. Because instead of capitalizing on his huge jump in popularity, he wants to party and be on vacation.
Just stupid to the hundredth degree! Phone Post 3.0
Disagree, Nate is a huge draw, he's being interviewed by main stream news sources, Nate deserves to be paid and should be paid. Stupid my ass, he is being smart. Fact is just because DW jumps from the table and plants "he isnt happy" all of a sudden Nate is the bad guy. Im all for the fighters, hope Nate gets every dollar he can. When Nick is thru his suspension he will also be a huge demand, The Diaz Brothers are the Most Exciting Fighters in MMA.. Phone Post 3.0
Nate is not as huge of a draw as you think. An Irish kid comes into the UFC and smokes anything that either Diaz has ever done , draw wise. PPV numbers wise.
Who does Nate fight if he doesn't fight Conor?
RDA? Another loss for him. Robbie or ANY too welterweight? He will be toyed with like Rory toyed with him.
He is a good fighter but he has nobody else to fight.
Obviously McGregor has a ton more people to fight.
Nate needs Conor IMO.
I've been a Diaz fan for years and I watched his brother do the same thing.
Except Nate won the big fight and Nick lost every big fight (Condit, GSP, Anderson).
I would like to see him get paid and be able to stand on his own but he is gonna fuck around with the UFC like his brother did and hurt himself.
If he uses his ONE big chance , which is now, to do ANYTHING except to whip McGregor again , he is a fool. Phone Post 3.0

I'm not a big Nate Diaz fan, but have to call BS on your "he isn't a huge draw" line.

First, outside of the recent fight with McGregor, Nate Diaz has never been given a PPV to headline or had the push that Zuffa gave McGregor.

Second, Nate headlined the following cards on Spike and Fox:

UFC on FOX: Ben Henderson vs. Nate Diaz - 4.4 million
UFC on FOX: Nate Diaz vs. Jim Miller - 2.25 million
UFC Fight Night: Nate Diaz vs. Gray Maynard - 2 million
UFC Fight Night: Nate Diaz vs. Melvin Guillard - 2.9 million
UFC Fight Night: Nate Diaz vs. Josh Neer - 2.3 million
Dude come on. Not one of those fights were PPV. They were all free. It's easy to get people to watch a free fight.
Do you really want me to believe that Nate vs Jim Miller would be able to headline a PPV ? And make money? Even Nate vs Bendo could do it.
I'm not saying that he is an unknown or anything. He's a star but he can't just fight someone else and draw like McGregor does.
McGregor could fight the winner of Frankie and Aldo or RDA or even Cowboy or some off the wall fighter and make more bank than Nate can vs anyone.
My point is that Nate shouldn't be so stubborn and just get some points and promote the fight and take his moment. Now is NOT the time for a vacation.
Nick pulled the same shit. Phone Post 3.0

Thanks for completely sidestepping the first point I made.

The reporter should be fired for posting quotation marks on a nisquite Phone Post 3.0

andyman011 - The reporter should be fired for posting quotation marks on a nisquite Phone Post 3.0
Misquote* autocorrect Phone Post 3.0

If Nate whoops him again, Dana wins.
(Nate becomes super famous and has 2-3 big money fights after that regardless of outcome)
If Connor wins, Dana also wins.
(Connor is a megastar who erased a loss vs a bigger man)
No fight, Dana has a lot to lose if Nate and Connor lose their next fights at their respective divisions.
Even if they win their fights it would be like a white flag for Connor and a one time win over a smaller dude for nate.
Gotta make the fight even though that is a gamble as well.
Great for fans but Dana shouldn't have allowed such a big jump in weight class. Phone Post 3.0

lormpino -
lormpino - War Diaz!!!! See pic !??

With Dana / Lorenzo in Stockton

http://instagram.com/natediaz209 Phone Post 3.0
Blue help Phone Post 3.0
Post the pic of Nate Lorenzo and Dana in front of the Diaz painting in Stockton please ....... Phone Post 3.0

lormpino -
Global Shield - Nate said

"my contract was for UFC 200"

"Yer talkin 201, 202?"


"New fight new contract, this is bullshit"

Dana walked out. Phone Post 3.0

Source? Phone Post 3.0
lol just my opinion worth $0.02 Phone Post 3.0

McGregor vs. Mayweather would be touchbutt extreme contest.. Do you think it will go to a decision or will Mayweather only touchbutt McGregor for a couple of rounds?

LonelyMan -

McGregor vs. Mayweather would be touchbutt extreme contest.. Do you think it will go to a decision or will Mayweather only touchbutt McGregor for a couple of rounds?

A lot of people are being fed the shit already tho. Let them having the Pro Wrestling type Boxing match and watch how many suckers still McBelieve.

Couldn't last 2 MMA rounds so he should at least be able to stretch it out to 5-6 boxing rounds to finally give Mayweather his first LEGIT KO in years. Mayweather and Boxing wins again and McGoobs gets to go back to selling pool noodles or Cons MMA agains. Phone Post 3.0

Nate's a lot more popular than people think. The Diaz bros have a unique drawing power. I mean Nick hasn't won in almost 5 years and he will still sell out PPV's. Perhaps it's based on persona or ghetto thrash talking, whatever. They're draws.