Dana White's new reality show - Episode 1 (vid)

. Phone Post 3.0

OriginalTUFer - Sub Phone Post 3.0
. Phone Post 3.0

Later Phone Post 3.0

Sub Phone Post 3.0

Yep- Serra, Longo,and Sell need their own show. I enjoyed this though.

Good vids OP, thank you

Sub for later Phone Post 3.0

Nick the Tooth won a BJJ world championship? Is that a joke or what?

(serious question)

I don't think we'll be seeing Evander attending a UFC event any time soon. Phone Post 3.0

chaplinshouse - 
B1on1c - 
Goblowyourself - 
B1on1c - Matt Sera's the man. That scene tells you all that you need to know. Serra's calling out some bullshit and Dana's there, quiet as a church mouse, staring at this phone all nervously. Now these are grown-ass men and I'm not saying they should have brawled but stand-up for your friend when it counts especially when you're all quietly agreeing with him. He never bites his tongue when he's surrounded by security and Zuffa staff.
He was next to Holyfield who doesn't enjoy that stuff. I think he knew Matt could handle himself. Jesus fuck the hate Dana gets on here lol. Guy is a huge part of why this sport is so big, yea he's had some fuck ups but who doesn't. Don't like him don't fucking watch his reality show! Funny how many posters just shit talk but yet watch. Phone Post 3.0

When they stood up, a friend would've stood up, if anything, to at least make sure nothing happens. He was agreeing with Matt but stayed quiet when things got real. Funny how you think I'm talking shit when it's all right there on the screen. BTW, I'm not a Dana hater.

i know it's hard to relate to but when you're Dana rich, you don't egg (budump-psh) shit on when there's potential for alcohol fueled violence. you're a target. shit goes down, everyone sues YOU

"look your honor! we got him on tape instigating!"

I totally get it, pal. I would not and did not expect Dana to get physical or anything like that. I'm saying that he could've, at least, have been the voice of reason while defusing the situation or just there to come between them (like at the weigh-ins) if it got physical. Anything's better than sitting there pretending to text. BTW, you gets my mud vote for the day.

Fucking in Phone Post 3.0

Sub Phone Post 3.0

In Phone Post 3.0

Are there any more? That was mad entertaining to watch.

Really Serra makes the show (or at least the 1 episode I saw). I love how amped he got at the fight and even the pep talk he gave the kid who was fighting from his affiliate team. I mean, he doesnt know this kid at all, never met him or spoke to him, but his love of the sport and his guys seems to run so deep he still cares about a noname nobody he never met before, even so far as to basically corner the kid and then stand up for him when some asshole starts talking shit about him. Really good and genuine dude.

Too Rude - 

Are there any more? That was mad entertaining to watch.

Really Serra makes the show (or at least the 1 episode I saw). I love how amped he got at the fight and even the pep talk he gave the kid who was fighting from his affiliate team. I mean, he doesnt know this kid at all, never met him or spoke to him, but his love of the sport and his guys seems to run so deep he still cares about a noname nobody he never met before, even so far as to basically corner the kid and then stand up for him when some asshole starts talking shit about him. Really good and genuine dude.


In Phone Post 3.0

Too Rude - 

Are there any more? That was mad entertaining to watch.

Really Serra makes the show (or at least the 1 episode I saw). I love how amped he got at the fight and even the pep talk he gave the kid who was fighting from his affiliate team. I mean, he doesnt know this kid at all, never met him or spoke to him, but his love of the sport and his guys seems to run so deep he still cares about a noname nobody he never met before, even so far as to basically corner the kid and then stand up for him when some asshole starts talking shit about him. Really good and genuine dude.

i guess a new ep every week

ShoreBreaker420 - I wonder if Holyfield ever hangs out with them again LOL Phone Post 3.0
Not bad, I enjoyed it. Phone Post 3.0

Serra embarrassed himself. Phone Post 3.0

In Phone Post 3.0