Dana White's new reality show - Episode 1 (vid)

I don't think Serra embarrassed himself. He was right. It is one thing to back your guy but to start slinging insults at the other fighter is disrespectful.

that was awesome.. love matt serra

What a coicidence, Lake charles Is where I was born and raised and still live. I actually cooked and ate alligator Gar fish today. lol... Fucking Dana is a pussy, that shits good. They cooked It wrong or something. lol

mmamozza - 

I don't think Serra embarrassed himself. He was right. It is one thing to back your guy but to start slinging insults at the other fighter is disrespectful.

Shoot, that guy was slinging insults their way too, not just at the fighter.

In 4 later Phone Post 3.0

Good. Thanks man!

LOL on the guy acting tough on Matt Serra.

Sub a dub dub. Phone Post 3.0

It's the Tapout show with Dana and his crew instead of mask and his crew. I liked it; Serra is funny Phone Post 3.0

I liked it can't wait for next episode and will be cool to see the fighters they recruit fight in the ufc Phone Post 3.0

I enjoyed that

Later Phone Post 3.0

Oh man Dana acting cool is so cringeworthy. How fake can you be... jesus. Matt is fucking hilarious and 100% correct in confronting that douchebag ring announcer. And LOL at Nick the fairytooth being a BJJ world champ. At white belt master 4 I bet. Nothing wrong with that but don't play it like he's a fucking world champ. Serra's the only champ in that club.

In Phone Post 3.0

I enjoyed that. It's good to see matt owns a few shirts with sleeves. If I had guns like that I would roll in cutoffs too.

Fuk that looks like fun! Living the dream. He should have a contest and let a UGer hang out for a day?

wasnt a fan of serra's but after this i can see he's gonna grow on me. cool show thanks for posting it!

Goblowyourself - 
B1on1c - Matt Sera's the man. That scene tells you all that you need to know. Serra's calling out some bullshit and Dana's there, quiet as a church mouse, staring at this phone all nervously. Now these are grown-ass men and I'm not saying they should have brawled but stand-up for your friend when it counts especially when you're all quietly agreeing with him. He never bites his tongue when he's surrounded by security and Zuffa staff.
He was next to Holyfield who doesn't enjoy that stuff. I think he knew Matt could handle himself. Jesus fuck the hate Dana gets on here lol. Guy is a huge part of why this sport is so big, yea he's had some fuck ups but who doesn't. Don't like him don't fucking watch his reality show! Funny how many posters just shit talk but yet watch. Phone Post 3.0

VU. The Dana hate is getting ridiculous. What's he supposed to do, start a huge brawl?

Imagine if Dana had done that, everyone on here would be saying how unprofessonal he is abd things like "Roger Goddall doesn't go to football games and start fights." 

The guy can't win.

I genuinely enjoyed it. Like others said, it reminds me of the old Tapout show. That show has way more potential to be entertaining than TUF. I like watching fights. I like watching behind the scenes shit about fights. I hate watching fabricated drama by producer thats supposed to mimic behind the scenses shit about fights... So i enjoy a show that is purely there as a behind the scenes type thing.

Also, of course they would get into it in Atlanta... There wasn't enough information given in those clips to really see who was right or wrong in that altercation but i can see how Matt Serra would get into an altercation very quickly in Atlanta. But i would think Oblas was thrilled to have them all at his event and he even politely sided with the announcer so its very possible they were all acting like jackasses. But it made for an entertaining episode.

Id watch again.

For later Phone Post 3.0

. Phone Post 3.0