Dana White's surprise 40th birthday party

Joe Rogan - 
JT42382 -  Joe,

The vid you originally posted still works just fine.  springboard videos?

That's not the original video, it's a copy that's linked on springboard. The original video was from my youtube account.
I'm gonna re-edit the original. I just think it's fucking gross when someone edits your shit to get their site hits.


very cool joe. everyone needs a kickass crew like that for their birthday :)

Joe Rogan - 
JT42382 -  Joe,

The vid you originally posted still works just fine.  springboard videos?

That's not the original video, it's a copy that's linked on springboard. The original video was from my youtube account.

I'm gonna re-edit the original. I just think it's fucking gross when someone edits your shit to get their site hits.
OIC..that's some dirty shit. Get em' JOE!


How does he swear like that in front of his kids.

Family Jules - How does he swear like that in front of his kids.

 keywords: his

Ew0k187 - lmao @ "HOLY SHIT FUCK LOOK AT THIS" in front of the children

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAAHHAFUCKINGHAHAHAH!!!! I watched it again and he drops like 40 F bombs in front of his kids.... I am not going to look to deep into this. I will just LMFAO!!!

Where was my invite?

 Happy fucking birthday, Dana!



Joe Rogan - 
JT42382 -  Joe,

The vid you originally posted still works just fine.  springboard videos?

That's not the original video, it's a copy that's linked on springboard. The original video was from my youtube account.
I'm gonna re-edit the original. I just think it's fucking gross when someone edits your shit to get their site hits.

you no like meatspin.com ¿

 If a couple of bad words are the worst they have to put up, I'm sure they will be fine.  I'm sure their life doesn't suck.  I'm sure the million dollar house, huge pool, and all the luxuries make up for a couple F-Bombs.

Good video Joe, thanks for sharing.

what are his kids gonna sound like when they get to school!

Swearing in front of your kids may not be the best thging to do, but I have seen MUCH worse.

If your kids can not comprehend that there are things adults can do that kids can not, maybe you should focus on why your kid is a dumbass."HOPE and CHANGE " = The biggest scam ever perpetrated on the American public.

Joe Rogan - 
JT42382 -  Joe,

The vid you originally posted still works just fine.  springboard videos?

That's not the original video, it's a copy that's linked on springboard. The original video was from my youtube account.
I'm gonna re-edit the original. I just think it's fucking gross when someone edits your shit to get their site hits.

100% agree, WTF is with surreptitiously editing someone's post to link elsewhere? Ridiculous IMO.

If your definition of "Hope & Change" is having the Government run your life you can have it. I choose to succeed or fail on my own merits.

Hope and Change =

Goldman made $2.3 billion and paid out $4.8 billion in bonuses.

Morgan Stanley earned $1.7 billion and paid $4.5 billion in bonuses.

J.P. Morgan Chase made $5.6 billion and paid $8.7 billion in bonuses.

All thanks to your tax dollars. I LOVE HOPE AND CHANGE!

Happy Birthday Dana

Pizzacorner - If your kids can not comprehend that there are things adults can do that kids can not, maybe you should focus on why your kid is a dumbass."HOPE and CHANGE " = The biggest scam ever perpetrated on the American public.

I love it when the village idiot shows up to spout off about something completely fucking irrelevant - nice work asshat!

My god this swearing in front of the kids. 

Can you imagine the poor bastard who has to teach Dana's kids at school?

Look Mr and Mrs. White.

Little Johnny seems to be tackling people to the ground at recess, pinning their heads against the fence, and repeatedly elbowing them until a teacher jumps in.

Dana's response:

Ya know, this is how fucking kids are. Why dont you fucking go learn how to be a real fucking teacher you motherfucking faggot. Do you even want to be a fucking teacher?

Once again, a stupid fucking idiot teacher getting in the middle of stupid fucking kids shit they know nothing about.

And besides, be motherfucking happy Johnny stopped once the ref, errr I mean teacher, jumped in you dumb fucking asshole.

 Happy Birthday!

 "Holy Fuckin' Shit Dana Jr., have you ever seen this many motherfuckers in your eight your old fuckin' life?"