Dana White's surprise 40th birthday party

wow dana looks young for 40! thanks joe, ttt for later

People that are forty are gigolo cool.  For real.

Happy fucking birhthday, Mr. fucking Dana fucking White!!

 Happy Fucking Birthday!

Since when is the UG the place to dispense parenting advice. Most of us can't take care of ourselves, how the hell are we telling DW how to raise his kids.

I don't swear like that in front of my kid, but I can tell you if I did, it would be my choice, and my choice alone. I have no earthly idea if Dana has explained to his kids that they shouldn't say the words daddy says, and frankly I don't care.

Thanks for posting the vid, Joe.

Ew0k187 - lmao @ "HOLY SHIT FUCK LOOK AT THIS" in front of the children

LOL, nice upbringing the children are having

end of video you zoom in on some broads legs...
what? they were nice legs!

Happy Birthday Dana!

how long after the show did scott wyland have to back to rehab?

still springboarded

Kirik -  Happy Birthday!