Daniel Cormier Cheats to Make Weight at UFC 210 We

Why the fuck was the commission cheering him on?

Shady as fuck...

Gone Fishin - 
SinCityHustler - I don't mind him cheating. I have a problem with the commission and UFC turning a blind eye.

This is the spectacle of cheaters. Cormier's actions are par for the course. But for the UFC and for the NYSAC to allow it, not only allow, but to enable it? This thing is a complete joke.

These types of things would be exactly why I refuse to give these guys my money.

This nails it... money,money,money !!! Shame on DC too.... anybody who has ever cut weight in wrestling knows how to play the game. Shame on the UFC and NY commission for turning a blind eye when it comes to money, again !!!!

Old wrestling trick. Hang a toe off the scale, have a team mate lift your ass cheek slightly, this towel action, etc.

The problem here is everyone is talking about it and NYSAC or UFC can step in and disqualify his weigh in. They can see on video he cheated. Are they going to do the right thing, or is a blind eye turned here?

Flonor Maygregor -
Papa_Raptor - 
Flonor Maygregor -
Papa_Raptor - Does it matter?

Yea, if everyone can jump on the scale and put significant weight on an object, it matters. What's the point of weight classes then. Every bout would be open weight then, and why not load the gloves while we're at it. I'd love to see this fight go through though.

No it doesn't fucking matter. He weighed in at 206.2 a 1.2 pounds difference, and you're over here telling me what's the point of having weight classes if the Champ doesn't make 205 on the fucking money? How many LHW have weighed in at 206 and nobody gave two shits.

May as well load up the gloves? Lmfao get the fuck out of here.

If the fight would have been scrapped or the belt taken out of the pictures everybody here would have been bitching about USADA, the early weigh-ins cheating us out of another good fight, blah, blah, blah.

Thank you DC for saving this weak ass card by simply resting your hands on a towel.

Think of the precedent this sets it's ok to put weight on an object while you're on the scale. I want the fight to happen too but think about the sport for a second.
The sport of MMA is dead, it's just a spectacle again. Just take a look at your screen name, these are the fans of this "sport".

Lol at Jones belittling the security guard behind him in the selfie vid near the end of this clip. What an asshole, ha ha!! I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet.

FrontBroRian -
SickEye - 
FrontBroRian -
sbud - 

The scale would fluctuate all over the place if he was truly resting weight on the towel. Not to mention the guys holding the towel would have to be extremely still to maintain the pressure D.C. Was applying.  

So what do you think happened? He walked back, hopped on a treadmill waiting there for him and cut 1.2lbs? Vomited 1.2lbs of stomach acid?

I'd say it's obvious what happened. The video clearly shows him pushing down on the towel. We all know he didn't lose 1.2lbs in 90 seconds. It wasn't DCs first time doing that.

Someone could have adjusted the scale and DC could have just had his hands on the towel to peek over and see the weight. Maybe Rumble coming in 1.2 lbs under because of someone messing with the scale has some merit to it. 

Typically in order to adjust a scale you either have to go and shift the dial on the bottom or go into it electronically. I'm sure there'd be video evidence if someone would have went and messed with the scale in the 120 seconds between weigh ins.

And again, watch the video. You can see him pushing down. It's 100% obvious

How did he keep the weight from fluctuating and have it land right on 205 and stay there, because that's not 100% obvious. A bathroom scale is mighty touchy so I would think whatever scale they use is at least as touchy if not more. And when has Rumble ever came in UNDER weight? Just questions. 

I'd be interested in hearing from Rumble to see if he says himself that he was under weight. 

Lots of people here talking shit about my asian middle school friends scale secrets, should go try it!

sgotwalks -

Lol at Jones belittling the security guard behind him in the selfie vid near the end of this clip. What an asshole, ha ha!! I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet.

He's a fake POS, it's to be expected!

I just tried DC's trick. I lost 5 lbs with very little effort. This is BS. I f'ing hate cheaters. The fight should be OFF!

What makes it even a littler more shadier is the second time they had 2 towels, maybe to make it a little stronger to push off on?

BravoPUA -

Guys are pinching the corners of the towell


if he was pushing hard. It would have dropped

He wasn't pushing hard, he was just letting the towel hold part of the weight of his arms

SickEye - 
FrontBroRian -
SickEye - 
FrontBroRian -
sbud - 

The scale would fluctuate all over the place if he was truly resting weight on the towel. Not to mention the guys holding the towel would have to be extremely still to maintain the pressure D.C. Was applying.  

So what do you think happened? He walked back, hopped on a treadmill waiting there for him and cut 1.2lbs? Vomited 1.2lbs of stomach acid?

I'd say it's obvious what happened. The video clearly shows him pushing down on the towel. We all know he didn't lose 1.2lbs in 90 seconds. It wasn't DCs first time doing that.

Someone could have adjusted the scale and DC could have just had his hands on the towel to peek over and see the weight. Maybe Rumble coming in 1.2 lbs under because of someone messing with the scale has some merit to it. 

Typically in order to adjust a scale you either have to go and shift the dial on the bottom or go into it electronically. I'm sure there'd be video evidence if someone would have went and messed with the scale in the 120 seconds between weigh ins.

And again, watch the video. You can see him pushing down. It's 100% obvious

How did he keep the weight from fluctuating and have it land right on 205 and stay there, because that's not 100% obvious. A bathroom scale is mighty touchy so I would think whatever scale they use is at least as touchy if not more. And when has Rumble ever came in UNDER weight? Just questions. 

I'd be interested in hearing from Rumble to see if he says himself that he was under weight. 

Look at the video. It's a small bathroom scale in the middle of the stage. Someone would have had to walk up, get down on their knees and begin adjusting. Or pick it up to flip it around and adjust it. With like, 50 people standing there watching. There was a live feed. I'm sure anyone could go back and verify if that happened.

ABCTT_HeHitsMeBecauseHeLovesMe -
GrindOnLine - As i wrote in the other thread:

Sounds fishy but in reality Rumble benefits from this so no harm no foul imho.

No make weight no tittle fight
Rumble and the division is fucked.
Pretty sure the title would still be on the line for Rumble, if D.C didn't make weight, but he did.
Filho vs Sonnen

DC has been, errrrrm, RUMBLED, lol!



DC is no better than Jon Jones now. Both cheaters except DC cheated in front of millions of people. The footage will be played forever.

I think it's far more likely they fucked up the scales and dropped it by 1.2 lbs since Rumble came in exactly 1.2 lbs under. That can't be a coincidence.

Dana probably paid the fat guy in charge of the scale in donuts so that this fight can go through.

FrontBroRian -
SickEye - 
FrontBroRian -
SickEye - 
FrontBroRian -
sbud - 

The scale would fluctuate all over the place if he was truly resting weight on the towel. Not to mention the guys holding the towel would have to be extremely still to maintain the pressure D.C. Was applying.  

So what do you think happened? He walked back, hopped on a treadmill waiting there for him and cut 1.2lbs? Vomited 1.2lbs of stomach acid?

I'd say it's obvious what happened. The video clearly shows him pushing down on the towel. We all know he didn't lose 1.2lbs in 90 seconds. It wasn't DCs first time doing that.

Someone could have adjusted the scale and DC could have just had his hands on the towel to peek over and see the weight. Maybe Rumble coming in 1.2 lbs under because of someone messing with the scale has some merit to it. 

Typically in order to adjust a scale you either have to go and shift the dial on the bottom or go into it electronically. I'm sure there'd be video evidence if someone would have went and messed with the scale in the 120 seconds between weigh ins.

And again, watch the video. You can see him pushing down. It's 100% obvious

How did he keep the weight from fluctuating and have it land right on 205 and stay there, because that's not 100% obvious. A bathroom scale is mighty touchy so I would think whatever scale they use is at least as touchy if not more. And when has Rumble ever came in UNDER weight? Just questions. 

I'd be interested in hearing from Rumble to see if he says himself that he was under weight. 

Look at the video. It's a small bathroom scale in the middle of the stage. Someone would have had to walk up, get down on their knees and begin adjusting. Or pick it up to flip it around and adjust it. With like, 50 people standing there watching. There was a live feed. I'm sure anyone could go back and verify if that happened.

Maybe you're right. I'm just speculating. 

Out of curiosity, if it had been Jones who did this instead of DC, how would you have gone about downplaying it and defending him? Since it's so cut-and-dry with DC, you would have had your work cut out for you with Jones :D


Complain with your wallets! I don't mean miss the fight, but certainly do not order it. This is a GIANT "FUCK YOU MISERABLE DICKHEAD LOWLY FANS" this is our thing and we run it as we see fit. Never mind rules, regulations, spirit of fair play, integrity, etc.

Fuck the fans!

That's what they think of y'all. These actions scream the above.

I will not be giving them my money

The sport isn't dead no matter how depressed you are in your personal life, that doesn't change the sport, that's you failing to take your meds.

I just weighed myself and I'm 175. I then had 2 friends hold a towel around me and I put very little force down and it dropped to 173. 


Cormier didn't make weight. He cheated. This should be non title fight and rumble should get a percentage 

Speed and Power - DC is no better than Jon Jones now. Both cheaters except DC cheated in front of millions of people. The footage will be played forever.

Joking? Of course you are.