DC could be king at 185

I can't see Weidman stopping him or much of anybody else.


Can he make that weight? Phone Post 3.0

His kidneys might TKO him, otherwise he'd be champ.

But I think he wants a piece of Jones still, once he gets over his recent loss. DC doesn't run away, he runs after.

Eskoe1 - Can he make that weight? Phone Post 3.0

He's kinda pudgy, my guess is yes but I'm not sure if it would be easy for him.

Rashad has more muscle and has entertained it.....

Could he do it with a year round conditioning program? ABSOLUTELY. I think what we've seen though is that the lighter DC has gone, the less power he's carried with him. Which is why I honest to God believe he could be the HW champ right now if it wasn't for his allegiance with Cain.

Weidman is a beast too...a helluva wrestler and a big skilled puncher. No way a 185 DC just demolishes him.

MMAReview - Could he do it with a year round conditioning program? ABSOLUTELY. I think what we've seen though is that the lighter DC has gone, the less power he's carried with him. Which is why I honest to God believe he could be the HW champ right now if it wasn't for his allegiance with Cain.

Weidman is a beast too...a helluva wrestler and a big skilled puncher. No way a 185 DC just demolishes him.

Nobody walks through Weidman but I think DC beats him.

Abe, MAYBE. I love DC and I'm not a huge fan of Weidman, so I would hope so. But Longo is way underrated as a striking coach and Weidman knocked out Anderson Silva. His BJJ is sick and his wrestling speaks for itself.

How do you see a very light DC beating Weidman?

paging Dolce...

At his age I don't see him making it without sacrificing to much. Phone Post 3.0

MMAReview - Abe, MAYBE. I love DC and I'm not a huge fan of Weidman, so I would hope so. But Longo is way underrated as a striking coach and Weidman knocked out Anderson Silva. His BJJ is sick and his wrestling speaks for itself.

How do you see a very light DC beating Weidman?

I think DC has faced guys like Barnett who are equally great at subs and he doesn't have to much to worry about when it comes to wrestling.

Machida was within a punch or 2 of becoming the champ against Chris, DC has more power and will stay in the pocket and tough it out.

I think he outlasts Chris over time. Not cardio, just pressure.

MMAReview - Abe, MAYBE. I love DC and I'm not a huge fan of Weidman, so I would hope so. But Longo is way underrated as a striking coach and Weidman knocked out Anderson Silva. His BJJ is sick and his wrestling speaks for itself.

How do you see a very light DC beating Weidman?

I think DC has faced guys like Barnett who are equally great at subs and he doesn't have to much to worry about when it comes to wrestling.

Machida was within a punch or 2 of becoming the champ against Chris, DC has more power and will stay in the pocket and tough it out.

I think he outlasts Chris over time. Not cardio, just pressure.

I really don't see why he can't make the weight. He just has to start eating healthier full-time. I really don't understand how guys like Cain and himself are so pudgy given their workouts. It must be their diet which is pretty stupid if you make your living via your body.

. Phone Post

how much weight in fat is DC carrying?


*hits switch turning on DOLCE bat signal*

If Cain was not injured so often, he would PROBABLY have cleared out the HW division (which is already thin) and then been pressured to move down..which would have been a good thing.

DC can be champ at any level he wants and I don't think his age is much of an issue. He's not 48 or anything. If he stays at 205, he needs to get some additional striking coaching to deal with JBJ. If he moves up, he can become champ right now. If he goes down to 185, he's going to have to tune up and all that. I think 185 is just too much of a "process" for him at this point when he's literally the second best guy arguably at 205 and HW.

MMAReview - If Cain was not injured so often, he would PROBABLY have cleared out the HW division (which is already thin) and then been pressured to move down..which would have been a good thing.

DC can be champ at any level he wants and I don't think his age is much of an issue. He's not 48 or anything. If he stays at 205, he needs to get some additional striking coaching to deal with JBJ. If he moves up, he can become champ right now. If he goes down to 185, he's going to have to tune up and all that. I think 185 is just too much of a "process" for him at this point when he's literally the second best guy arguably at 205 and HW.

That "process" is just staying away from shit food which a professional fighter shouldn't be eating anyway. Just imagine how much time/energy/money/discipline ... you invest as a fighter not to eat healthy 24/7 365 ... it is like taking a dump in the gas tank of a formula one race car.

Phone Post 3.0

He could make it if he lost that fat.

But no way he gets through weidman Phone Post 3.0

DC's body really struggles with cutting weight.  I just don't think it's possible for him to do it.  He looks pudgy but I think that's just his frame.

Also, if he goes Dolce, i could see him looking like BJ against Edgar.  

I don't see him beating Jones and I don't see Cain losing his strap.
I really hope 185 is an option to him, and I'd love to see him fight there. I vaguely remember hearing him say this is my last chance for mma greatness. Worried he might have given up fighting and making a career out of the commentating gig. Phone Post 3.0

If he could make weight, he'd definitely be champ at 185. I see him beating Weidman easily, tbh.

DC would be a dominant champ too. Phone Post 3.0