DC perturbed by Aljo Sterling getting massive boos in New Jersey

lol i only hear the word “likability” when it’s a fighter like woodley, or aljo, or DJ or Uman or Jones.

They’re always “cringe” or “fake” to MMA fans.

Black fatigue
People are getting fed up with them

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DJ was/is the shit. Don’t know how anyone could not like him, but to each their own.

Jon Jones is a piece of shit human, not a shocker why so many dislike him.

Pretending this is about race is absurd.


Let these little woke idiots see racism everywhere.


They don’t like him more than they don’t like his fights

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And then cutting promos acting like he dominated.

But nothing makes me hate a fighter more than the UFC hyperbole of Rogan and John Anik especially.

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I find Aljo to be a bit boring on the mic, but he’s coming around on me. I cant wait to see him vs O’Malley. He should just go full heel and make people hate him more.


He was better on the mic against omaly that night, good heels generally are promotional machines but he’s too goofy to be one for now


I understand all of that but again, that was 2 years ago.

Funny how when it comes to something good, MMA fans will only remember for a little while. “Oh shit I forgot about that guy he knocked out 4 months ago!”

If it’s something they don’t like, fans will be emotional about it and hang on to it for years. Y’all act like Aljo took your dog into the cage and beat the fuck out of it on live TV.

What’s funny is some of the same people saying Aljo isn’t a true champ have called Yan “The People’s Champ.” Sure Aljo had some close fights, but so did Yan, and then lost a dominant decision to Merab. So Yan can’t be the champ either, right? He hasn’t looked like he is improving in quite some time, while the champ is still getting better.

Clearly it has nothing to do with close fights, because Yan has had some of those. It all stems from before the DQ because Aljo has always been underrated on here. The DQ just made it worse.

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Hell, I lived in Uniondale right on Front St and I’d cheer for Cujedo too.

Aljo makes himself very hard to like


watch his youtube videos he comes off very well


Sometimes, the people just aren’t buying what you’re trying to sell them.

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^^^ my dad doesn’t need to try to sell me that he’s my dad cause I’ve seen the paperwork.

Aljo is the champ. He has the gold. If you don’t believe then that’s on you

I don’t think that’s really the argument here.

A positive paternity test doesn’t automatically make somebody a good, worthy father.

Sounds good dude

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It was more pro Henry than anti Aljo. More so than being disliked, I think it’s just that people don’t really care about Aljo.


“Aljo hasn’t had a clear win as the champ”

Neither have his opponents.


That says more about the division that it does Sterling. Which isn’t surprising, considering O’Malley is ranked #2. If you had to pick two ranked UFC fighters most likely to be beaten by a random person from the crowd, it’d be those two.

The difference is that the guys of old could back it up.


Huh? Aljo wishes he was half the fighter as Jones.

And DC, kindly fuck off. Worst commentator of all time. You also make the people around you worse.

Hey show some respect to the double champ young man!
DC is a Saint.