DC Questions the Decision to Proceed with Jon Jones vs. Stipe

Shut the fuck up DC.

Hi Jon!


Good one Captain Original! I’m pretty sure 90% + of the earths population wants DC to just shut the fuck up.


Floppy, how does Jon walk through Stipe?

A day ago DC said JBJ was smart to fight Stipe instead of Tom

Now he’s crying about it


Yes, this dork saying the opposite less than 72 hrs ago

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Please inform me on something

When JJ had issues with the drug collector and was charged criminally

  • did he actually submit a sample to her?

What was the punishment for his actions from the promotion?

Before we talk about JJ fighting again, those 2 questions need to be answered


Yes he gave them his samples. No there were no repercussions. It was never proven he did anything wrong


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As usual, no repercussions and everything gets swept under the rug.


Its a ridiculous match up and the reason they are making it anyway is obvious.

Theres a reason that on every site Stipe is ranked outside the top ten, except the UFC’s website where they’ve snuck him in at #5.

Anyone trying to justify it drank too much of the kool-aid.


Teep the knees, poke the eyes, clinch, trip, elbows, he dead.

There Ya Go Fox Tv GIF by AniDom


I don’t think that’s how it works…

Are you talking about him being on probation? Cause you can’t be charged criminally for not giving piss to an AC.

Like Brandon Vera all over again?

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@Siciliano sometimes I am so deep in old mma that a gloss over recent topics

Please excuse my ignorance

1 JJ was charged with assault over his interactions with the drug tester

  • am I correct on this that???

2 if the police need to get involved over the collection of a sample, a “wrong” absolutely took place

  • if there is no repercussions for those actions, it is open season on the testing employees

I wasn’t arguing or trying to be a dickhead. I was genuinely confused with what you were saying. All is good.

Someone or some people within the UFC must be financially invested in JJ’s success.


JBJ used to wear UFC sponsors lol

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Makes UFC look like Pro Wrestling to have to guys that don’t fight pretend they are the best HW on the planet

As far as the latest or any charges…it is obvious that UFC has some serious pull and has made much of Jon’s obvious crimes disappear or be lightly sentenced/punished.

I used to feel like they pushed/aided him early to have a young black champ that wasn’t from Pride like Rampage was…now I feel like it is some blackmail backdoor fuckery club shit, example Jon and Dana banging chick Vince McMahon style shit …Or, the UFC is just pot invested and refuses to admit they enabled a career long cheat with poor character and held the division hostage for a decade to cater to him.

Probably the latter but that is just sad, the other two options

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