jeremy hamilton - Yes 1x a week if you are pulling 85% until they grind. You could always adjust your percentages and pull multiple times a week too. Say 70% for singles until they grind 3xs a week.Jeremy, Thanks for the info. I forgot to ask how long should the rest intervals last? Would you recommend deloading every 4 weeks?
I couldn't say which would be best, too many things to factor in.
Pull when you are ready to pull again. You are building strength, it's not a race.
I don't plan any deloads. I don't think you can ever know when you should deload. You might deload instead of lift and it could have been the best lifting day of your life but you wasted it by sitting on the couch. If I go to the gym and lift and it's the worst lifting day of my life and I end up lifting less, that's a deload day.
jeremy hamilton - Pull when you are ready to pull again. You are building strength, it's not a race.Thanks Jeremy!!
I don't plan any deloads. I don't think you can ever know when you should deload. You might deload instead of lift and it could have been the best lifting day of your life but you wasted it by sitting on the couch. If I go to the gym and lift and it's the worst lifting day of my life and I end up lifting less, that's a deload day.
If you plateau try dropping the weight back 20% on everything,
Clean up your form and start over. Then when you get back to where
You were stuck you should
Be able to blow past it