Define old school here



I’m not sure what my real join date was. It was sometime in 99 I believe. I was the 147th member to join this forum. I was fighting MMA in Japan in the mid 90s. That’s pretty old school I think. I began wrestling in 1981 and have been training in MMA since 1988. It’s a lifelong passion I hope to be able to train in and teach until I die.


What org in Japan?

I don’t think it was an organization. Just amateur fights in a ring in a bar in Roppongi.

i think i first came here in 99



I used to post a lot. Retired in 2010. Most noobs or people under 30 won’t know me.

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mma-weekly radio chat?

I’m a MMA Weekly Hall of Famer.

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i was there as max power

Hey Max, long time.

they never gave u that green name here

No, and Chris deleted a lot of my posts. There are still some lol.

Doesn’t ring a bell.

You’re no The Venerable Dr. Wu!

well at least u arent suspended

Never heard of them.

I’ve survived 14 lifetime bans here. After the Kimbo TUF spoiler they deleted a majority of my earlier posts. Maybe it’s time lol.


who rescued u from ban land? and why do u think they kept banning u?

No idea who rescued me. But Chris hated me when he showed up on the scene. Would move all my scoops to the What If forum. I was bored with the sport anyway and just went away. I’ll check in from time to time but this place used to be special. Everyone was here mostly because there wasnt social media back then. Also, we had some characters back then.

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it was a fun place for 25 years…