Definitive list effectiveness of different martial arts

The dude ranks a bunch of various martial arts including bjj, boxing, wrestling etc. Seems to be a fairly reasonable discussion.

55:55 wing chun
57 wrestling

No Shendokai? No KaJuShenBo…? No Shen Maga…? No mention of even Shen Hop Kune Do…???

Yeah… great list.


My go to when outnumbered is


I know he SAYS he is also considering the ‘psychology of self-defense and deescalation’, but he is very inconsistent on that front, so I am going to ignore that.

Pure boxing or pure kickboxing pretty much always beats JKD. JKD is “fluffy kickboxing”; kickboxing structure with a bunch of very interesting --but not very useful-- stuff grafted onto it. To have JKD ranked higher than boxing, kickboxing & MMA, is nuts.

Guys at a competitive BJJ school will tend to be mentally & physically tougher than people from most GJJ schools --and that’s a big deal. I think that is worth as much or probably MORE than doing “street specific” tactics when you train. Compare the students at the Gracie Academy or Valente Academy with a school that competes a lot. My money is on the school that competes a lot.

Kenpo deals in completely non-realistic understanding of time frames where you would have to be much faster than your opponent for a move to even be possible. Look at how they spar Kenpo; it looks like just like sparring at every other TMA school (i.e. sloppy kickboxing). No “kenpo” techniques to bee seen. Yet, magically, in a street attack you are to expect those same unworkable moves to save you.

Wing Chun is no match for boxing or kickboxing. It’s nuts to say otherwise. Even if you ‘teach it like kickboxing’ as he says. Head up , chin out, hands low with an awkward stance is just not a winner in any fight.


what a clueless fool. He’s not informed enough to make those judgements, naturally that doesn’t stop him from expounding on the subject. The sad thing is equally ignorant people when hearing his bullshit, will believe it, and the wheel of shit spins forever around.


Lol i legit made this thread to hear shen’s thoughts since i know he is way more acquainted with a wider variety of martial arts then i am. Dont know much about jkd but thought it was major bs in the top slot

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Nerding out on martial arts nonsense is like catnip to me.

FWIW, I did JKD for 18 months, years ago.

But, I am friends / acquaintances with four “Full Instructors” under Guro Dan. For example, one of my old brown belts is his main demo partner. I’ve even taught BJJ at the Inosanto Academy a handful of times, years ago. I like & respect guro dan and I like those guys a lot, but… “JKD Concepts” as practiced is just TOO complex!

If you’re an average person going to the Inosanto Academy --or one of it’s many clones worldwide-- to learn “self-defense” or “fighting”, you’re in the wrong spot. Period. Simultaneously studying 4, 5 or 6 different martial arts at the same time is an absolute clusterf@ck unless you are really dedicated.

–But even so, if you study “full time”, in terms of developing real-world, FUNCTIONAL skills, you’d be much better off putting that training time into MMA or in fact any combo of any functional striking art( e.g. boxing, kickboxing) and any functional grappling art (Judo, wrestling, BJJ, Sambo, etc).

I’d wager that even most of those I know who are full JKD instructors would probably agree with the same.

The IDEA behind the modern JKD Concepts approach is you train a bunch of arts but only take the “useful” stuff and forget the rest. BUT… that is NOT what happens, Instead, people are taxed with learning entire systems and getting endless certifications in different arts. It’s like going to graduate school in “World Martial Arts Studies”. Cool & interesting stuff, but a guy with good hands & some wraslin’ --who doesn’t know anything whatsoever about Maphalindo Silat, Wing Chun or Kali-- is still probably gonna smoke you in a real fight.


There’s no probably to it.


Yeah, you’re right.


i hate them retarded chain punching fuckers, i’ll wager that i lay a few more out before i shed this mortal coil

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Bruce would not be happy with jkd right now.

If you read his shit it was mma theory.

I think with Bruce at the head of it JKD would be like going to any modern mma gym rather than a lot of wasted time.

LOL. That’s hilarious

We have a different view of jkd. I was a jkd guy then a jkd concepts guy. Lee should be honored for his movies and independent thoughts on martial arts but he wasnt a fighter, neither is inosanto. Hell, erik Paulson is the only real fighter that is legit, and he didnt need jkd. I do give credit as it introduced me to thai boxing. Maybe Lee would have evolved into mma, but jkd is stagnant.


LOL @ independent thoughts, he never had an original thought in his life, he was a 5’4” 125 lb dancer who used a kung fool gimmick



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The guy in the video though, is BASICALLY correct about Hapkido, kuk sool won, kenpo, Japanese JJ and all the other so called “TMAs” taught in the same manner with the same fundamental training methodologies. They are all worth about the same. His distinctions between them are pretty meaningless. The subtle differences between Hapkido, Kenpo and Karate don’t really exist in the chaos of a real fight.

None of the TMA “techniques” you learned will be coming out, except maybe the most gross motor, motions like a kick or punch, which you will probably do exactly how you did them in sparring --very light. (That’s exactly what I did when I got attacked by a 9th grader when I was in 7th grade; I went into light sparring mode… got my nose broken.)

Those arts are all maybe OK as a “starting point” but --needless to say-- if you stay in those arts without branching out, you’re gonna perhaps be pretty skilled at a bunch of tangentially fighting-related stuff, but it just doesn’t really prepare you for actual fighting of any kind. It just doesn’t. In fact, It does the opposite; gives you a warped idea of what a real fight is like.

There’s no timeline on which a TMA like that beats 2 years of MMA. 6th degree BB in Kenpo, Hapkido or Japanese Ju jitsu has little chance against a dude with a couple years of MMA. Odds are such that even a person with just couple years of pure Muay Thai or pure BJJ would prevail over a TMA “expert”.

People VASTLY overrate the value of traditional martial arts training in a fight. Even if a dude just played rugby, I would rank that higher than traditional martial arts training, in terms of usefulness.


I’ve always contended that the majority of tma “point” sparring is actually detrimental, because once that muscle memory is ingrained you’ll play hell getting rid of it, it’s easy to shorten your strikes for less power, but almost impossible to lengthen them.


Yeah, if you do traditional point --or worse non-contact- karate, you spend years and THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of reps perfecting the distance and body mechanics to NOT hit someone.

Then in a spontaneous self-defense situation, suddenly you’re going to correct all that and hit through the target…? Nope.


it’s a major part of what makes what kenpo completely rediculous. This 5th dan chung do kwan test is the perfect example of the futility. It boggles my mind how we got from the kyokushin i did in the 70’s to this. With the “this” being in most every strip mall from sea to shining sea