Definitive list effectiveness of different martial arts

Also i know everyone has heard me say this at least a hundred times, but back in the day when the pka first came on the scene, a lot of kenpo guys tried and failed miserably, due to the inability to override their deeply ingrained instinct of not making any contact with strikes, but making them sound good by slapping themselves hard with the non-striking hand as their strike neared target, they had some bullshit pseudoscience term for it like “timing the deceleration”

Honestly in real street fights boxing if used first and effectively beats them all. Most street fights are quick. I have seen skilled guys with their hands win more fights in the street than any other style.


i’ve seen a lot more get slammed on their heads because there’s no referee to break the clinch. Slam someone on the back of their head and shoulders on the concrete and that’s usually it, they just want to go home once they regain the ability for locomotion.


Yeah, I agree, hands reign supreme.

Kicks can obviously be devastating, but in the real world they are just not quite the spontaneous tools that hands are. They are subordinate to punches. Especially in a REAL fight where there’s a ton of adrenaline --and your balance therefore is not going to be 100%-- your legs are best suited to moving you around and helping keep you upright. I’d say kicks have more value in a sport fight context than they do in a “self-defense” or street fight scenario.


if you can’t kick hard enough for a body shot K.O, it’s best not to kick at all, if you’re really good at it, kick the fuck out of people. I’ve kicked many a sassy jasper alongside the neck and given them an all expenses paid trip to their own private idaho. Stove many a rib through a fuckwit’s lung also. I found an old picture of myself in 78’ doing a front kick that was perfectly tangent from nadir to zenith, could straight edge from the knee of the supporting leg to the heel of the kicking leg, with that kind of core strength, when catching a jkd tool under the chin with a front kick, you could stick a fork in him because he was done.



I hope you write a martial arts book some day. I would definitely buy it!


I’ve written many martial arts books, all available on my website:

“The All New Scratch & Bite System for the Street!”

“ZIR POWER: Nunchucks for the Transgendered Community”

“Shen Hop Kune Do for Expectant Moms”

“Throwing Stars for Seniors”

“Freeze Point: Tales of Arctic Wilderness Survival w/ The Kubotan Pocket Stick”

“Spectrum of Death: Quick Kills for the Autistic Community”

… and many more!


LMAO!! So stupid, yet so funny lol


When I was 15, my dad let me take 6 months of the very worst of 80s storefront karate. This particular Rio-off featured Ishin-Ryu where I was taught the idiocy of the vertical fist.

Anyway, I was pretty psyched to be a teen in 1986 learning karate…until I watched a black belt test. At the end of a ridiculous non-contact Bo sparring, the brown belt being tested came over and sat by me during a break. He said “I thought I was doing pretty good, but Master told me at the end that he had killed me 3 times with pressure points and I had no idea!”

Even at 15, I was mortified and desperate to escape.


I don’t care if people find it stupid or funny, as long as it saves lives!


Yeah, the whole pressure point world is just… sad.

I think the most absurd thing I have ever personally been taught was “Fingerlocks from Punches” at a Sanuces Ju Jitsu seminar; guy throws a PUNCH at your head, you catch it and put him into a devastating finger lock!

I was looking around the room for some reassurance that I was not in the Twilight Zone. --I never got any. Bunch of big black dudes in hakamas acting like this is a solid way to deal with a punch.


that’s really sad. Ishin ryu was, for a long time, the bulwark against mcdojos, being that most of the ishin ryu guys were marines and ran their dojo like a bootcamp, where if you were going to cry about a little thing like a bloody nose, you could well get the fuck out and attend a flower arranging class and leave the scrapping to men.

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Yeah, but what if you grab a car antenna and use it like a kali stick?

car antenna is no joke, a bitch hit me across the back with one and it hurt like a motherscratcher. the only thing worse is a fiberglass fishing rod.

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They don’t exist anymore lol.

Nonsense! Go look at a wrangler, einstein.

Well then hopefully I get jumped at jeep convention.

that’s the spirit! Endeavour to persevere, swinging that antenna like a little bitch