Describe fighting you in a sentence.

Erotic Phone Post

 It's like trying to kick a pigeon who can kill you with one or 3 strikes to pressure points.

mdh2k10 -  "how to tell if you are an insecure male"

if you post a serious answer in this thread


haha way to hit the nail on the head dude, when I clicked on this thread I thought, 'oh man, lets see how many self proclaimed badass mother fuckers are browsing the underground today' lol

Reggie Warren is of course the exception...I dont know why man but I believe him!

"How you gonna get the moon off you?" - Rampage

 "Come at me bro"

Black style of boxing.

 Bees, honey and napalm.

Like being in prison for the molestation of a retarded child. Phone Post

Like being raped by demons in hell.

I don't need a sentence just 1 word... Scary Phone Post

Winnson - Like being raped by demons in hell.

Hahaha Phone Post

 uncomfortable sexual experience

That is what Prison feels like.

That is what Prison feels like.