DFW: "GSP vs. Anderson All About Legacy"

I hope Georges is smart enough not to take it.

Pernicious - Don't think it's fair to compare GSP coming up to fight Silva with Anderson's foray into 205. GSP would be taking on the guy who defeated everybody 15 pounds heavier than Georges. Andy fought Irvin and Forrest, fer Chrissakes.

Good points.  Taking out the former champ at 205 is simply over the top.  And lets not forget, Forrest is a huge guy and he was made to quit, cry, and run out of the cage, seeking refuge from his humiliation.  

I'm of the opinion that GSP should at least be given some more winnable fights first against guys like Akiyama, Leban, or even a Bisping type of fighter.  Right at the lions, what did he do to anger Joe Silva?  

There is only one problem.

GSP would get destroyed.

Gee, 6 months ago dana wouldn't do this fight, period. Now it's all about "That's what I love about this fight".

That guy doesn't know whether he's coming or going half the time with his constant contradictions.

Archangel - Its all about money and furthering the ufcs cause nothing more. they don't give a flying fuck what happens to them other than that .

Truer words have never been spoken

This is an absolutely stupid fight.

GSP is a largish 170'r. He walks around at what, 185?

Silva is a medium sized 205'r who fights at 185.

I see no possible way for GSP to win. This is a lose lose situation for the UFC.

Gsp is 5,10.......anderson is 6,2........gsp has no problem fighting opponents he has the size advantage on like hughes/sherk, but when he doesn't have it, his gay fanbois cry and bitch.

Some of you are underestimating the size of GSP and overestimating the size difference between GSP and Anderson. If you watch the training video of GSP and Rashad you'll understand where I'm coming from.

Rogan used to say GSP was a BIG welterweight; then GSP when questioned about the possibility of fighting at 185 has refuted that.

Just swallow your nuts and step up GSP, it's the only way you will be remembered as the GOAT.

There is a huge difference in size.

Osbot - There is a huge difference in size.


And stay at WW without any real competition? There is NO WAY that some one as talented as Georges can't succesfully fight in two weight classes which are only 15Ilbs apart - and I'm not even arguing that he should do this concurrently.

I'm just saying that if he wants to leave a legacy as GOAT then he has to fight the best - even if the best are heavier than him.

Ghan - 
hybridfc - And stay at WW without any real competition? There is NO WAY that some one as talented as Georges can't succesfully fight in two weight classes which are only 15Ilbs apart - and I'm not even arguing that he should do this concurrently.

I'm just saying that if he wants to leave a legacy as GOAT then he has to fight the best - even if the best are heavier than him.

GSP's main strength is his wrestling (albeit having a very good jab). Styles make fights and 2 of the top 3 fighters at MW are bigger, stronger wrestlers. The other is Anderson, who just tapped the best wrestler at 185 pounds. It would be much easier for GSP to move up if his main strength was striking or even JJ.

I 100% agree with you. I have said before that I believe a large part of why GSP is hesitant to step up to 185 is the depth of wrestling talent. I see guys like Sonnen and Okami potentially giving GSP more trouble than Silva, purely on a stylistic level.

Right now I think that GSP would beat Silva - just my opinion - but could lose to Sonnen (legal issues pending).

My two cents.

I don't ever want to see this fight.

You all think GSP dominates because of size and strenght. Might be true against smaller guys like BJ and Sherk, but he also fought against Kos, Alves and Fitch who are just as big, if not bigger, than him.

Fitch's post-fight comments (after his GSP bout) are the perfect illustration of what makes him truly terrifying - it's not strenght or size, it's speed. Fitch said he fought and wrestled with people that are as strong if not stronger than GSP at that weight, but was completly overwhelmed by his speed and agility. "Balance and hip movement like that you can't teach" I believe he mentionned.

It's easy to see what he means. GSP is very light on his feet, dancing in and out of range and never letting the opponent plant and throw with any kind of power, offering only angles and glancing blows.

The big question then - does that speed translate to 185? If GSP can bulk up without sacrificing much speed, he'll easily be the fastest at 185. If his shot has the same speed and power, and he's able to dart and attach like he does at 170, against opponents that, as a rule, will be slower, I think he can dominate.

Obviously, size and power will eventually overwhelm speed, but I think 185 isn't that much of a jump... we're not talking about fighting Cain here.

Voidsinger - he also fought against Kos, Alves and Fitch who are just as big, if not bigger, than him.

Voidsinger - The big question then - does that speed translate to 185? If GSP can bulk up without sacrificing much speed, he'll easily be the fastest at 185. If his shot has the same speed and power, and he's able to dart and attach like he does at 170, against opponents that, as a rule, will be slower, I think he can dominate.
I think it would translate just fine at 185 since he's walking into the cage at that weight already. If anything he might be faster because he's not making that extra cut that takes a toll on his body.

 I think anyone moving up and taking on the absolute best at the next weight division is a stupid idea. If you want to move up, you take on some middle of the road fighters to become accustomed to that weight.

Anderson moved up and fought Irvine and Forrest, not Shogun, Machida or Rampage.

Let GSP move up and take on Munoz and Bisping first.

sparkyman -  I think anyone moving up and taking on the absolute best at the next weight division is a stupid idea. If you want to move up, you take on some middle of the road fighters to become accustomed to that weight.

Anderson moved up and fought Irvine and Forrest, not Shogun, Machida or Rampage.

Let GSP move up and take on Munoz and Bisping first.

Yeah 'cause Forrest was never anywhere near title contention...

Wake up, GSP isn't going to go from fighting the best in the world to fighting cans. If GSP moves up to 185 it will be to test himself against the best fighters possible.

blank - ^ reading comprehension is your friend.

Let me help you make a friend.

Forrest was never the absolute best in that division, title or not.


K-Dub-"T" -  Funny how this topic dies down if either of them loses.

That tells you how stupid it is to force it.<br type="_moz" />

you would make for a terrible business man.


you are already a terrible business man.