DFW: "GSP vs. Anderson All About Legacy"

Ghan - It's a pretty stupid fight, but it's a fight people need to see. Maybe Anderson can finally get some respect for being the exceptional fighter that he is afterwards.

finally get some respect? lmao! He has been a god here for the last 2-3 years

I'm down for an SN bet when this happens.

I soooo don't want to see this fight happen.

blank - ^ reading comprehension is your friend.
Let me help you make a friend.

Forrest was never the absolute best in that division, title or not.

No he wasn't the absolute best in the division. Nor is Yushin Okami or Nate Marquardt, but if GSP is going to step up to 185 PERMANENTLY (this is the important thing here, he would be relinquishing his ww belt) then he has to be fighting the best.

Silva never had any intention of fighting guys like Irvin and Griffin to get a title shot at 205, he just wanted to show he could do it. It is different for GSP.

blank - Why is it different?

When fighters enter a weight class in which they have a natural size disadvantage then it seems reasonable for them to fight outside the top 10 first.

 Look, just stop being reasonable.

 In all fairness guys, GSP hasn't had any problem, (other than getting beat up) with fighting smaller guys like Penn, Serra, Sherk, etc.   Guys like them stepped up against the much bigger GSP and challenged him for the belt.  If GSP really wants to be considered for GOAT, he has to at least have the courage of the smaller men who stepped up to him, (and beat him) and go out and do the same and beat the champ at the next weight class up.  

I think it would be a boring fight. I'd rather see Machida against Anderson at a catch weight.