Did Josh Koscheck get beat up by a rookie?

Mots -  Winston...thats the EXCAT same video i posted...its not the COMPLETE FIGHT...IT STARTS IN THE MOUNT...when have you ever seen a fight that STARTS IN THE MOUNT? Why am I arguing with a complete CUNT TRUFFLE LIKE YOU? Why don't you fight Carmo? FIGHTING SOLVES EVERYTHING!

Mots, i remember you from previous threads, you've improved your spelling but you're still a dick splash. why do you write in caps? are you yelling? You're stupidity is exhausting and you talk non-stop about other men sucking your dick... what's with the gay fetish?

Props to the dude for sparring tho, for those of you who do it- you know it takes some courage. for those of you who don't- you will never understand until you do it.

Old Boxer - ^^^fuck you faggot have some respect <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Have you every train with Phil ? any body that has train with him

knows what i am talking about, so suck it !

ABE FROMAN - Kos has something to hide, that fight started in mount.
Nah. I saw the original vid.

Seems to me this highlight is edited to show Kos' bes parts.

Make no mistake... the guy was owned start to finish with Koschek actually taking it kind of easy on him..

The full vid is out there somewhere.


LOL @ delusional rednecks

This Cammo clown is the guy at events screaming instructions to GSP from the cheap seats

 @ Diggity I got an idea...KILL YOURSELF

sorry but this video is as pointless as this thread??

That dude has ZERO skills? what was he even thinking going to AKA?? i mean i fucking hate koshcheck, but please people, thins guy is obviously seriouly mentally ill if he even thinks he was in that fight for a second haha..

that 4 minutes of my life im never getting back, thats for sure..

and sorry for fighter bashing, but Koshcheck looked terrible too, against a guy that unskilled???

Did he have a plunger in hand?

Mots -  @ Diggity I got an idea...KILL YOURSELF

wow, that's kind of intense. why so angry? and why are you YELLING all the time? it makes you look ridiculous.

and Mots.... you do talk about dick an awful lot. if you ever want to come out we are all here to listen without judgement. you will find a nice guy one day soon who will slam you in the butt for hours.

 ... lol.

Don't get it twister Diggity...I ONLY WANT TO FUCK YOU! 



Mots - Don't get it twister Diggity...I ONLY WANT TO FUCK YOU! <br type="_moz" />

you mean "twisted"? do you speak the way you write? why the yelling? it looks really silly. stop flirting with me, you have a boyfriend.

 Diggity...Have you ever suck a dick as sweet as mine?