Did you train this week?

BJJ Tues and Thurs. Wish I could do more though.

 its been about a year now since ive rolled

Sunday: 3 mile run
Monday: fitness training (chest), BJJ
Tuesday: BJJ morning, BJJ night, 1 hour bag work
Wednesday: fitness training (legs), swim, bike, BJJ
Thursday: BJJ morning, 3 mile run, BJJ night,
Friday (today): fitness training (full body circuit), bag work, run and bike.
Saturday: OFF

That said, I'm officially taking on Dojosensei's workout plan. It's much better than mine.

greco yeoman - Mon: bought a team kimbo shirt
Tues: didn't back down

That's what I'm talking about. Can I join your fight team?

Didnt train.. Got t-boned by a crackhead while @ work instead...

HULKSMASH - Didnt train.. Got boned by a crackhead while @ work instead...

Fixed your typo.

Also, couple other things...

Is there really such a thing as a "ham and peanut butter sandy", and even if such a disgusting combo were eaten, would you really want it heated?

Your title is supposed to be "Did you EVEN train this week!?!?!*#?!?!&#?"

It sounds much more dick-ish, which is always the angle you are going for when asking this kind of question.

 Boxing Monday to Friday.  6:00-9:00ish