Disappointed to learn that Dan Severn was in over 15 fixed/rigged fights

So he liked it.

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I don’t know about the Bart Vale one, he kicked the shit out of Bart

Fake fights? In mma? Blasphemy!

His 2nd and 3rd Mark hall fights for sure

underpants severn

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To say “how quickly” after taking a leg kick from Rizzo is bit weak of a statement. Fighters didn’t train like they do now and he never took a kick like that before. Kicks from Ruas took out Paul V but they weren’t 1/2 has hard as Rizzo’s.

Not defending his career just this instance


Welp, Freddie Rodriguez who was Severn’s partner who he ran Danger Zone with said Severn threw the fight. Severn got kicked in one leg but was limping on the other when being helped backstage.

What’s your evidence on the Bart Vale and Kimo fights?

Didn’t he break his knee or something?

I was at a small Severn seminar like a day or two after the Rizzo fight. I obviously dont know if he was hurt, or how much, but I can definitely report that he was saying he was hurt at that time, and he did wince at least once (IIRC, concerning his left rib area).

He did the same thing in the second Shannon Ritch fight.

Shamrock was in a bunch of bullshit fights too, he was just more willing to take legit looking damage for it. A lot of those old school early day fighters that were big on the japanese “shoot fighting”
Bullshit and had huge penchant for pro wrestling would work fights all the time

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I’m throwing Volk on there. That dude never has an easy night

Same thing with Couture, who I compared him to in the very post you replied to for that reason. Couture flat out admitted to not knowing how to defend leg kicks at the time and took a lot of damage vs. Rizzo but still fought to win all the way through.

If Severn was injured then it’s obviously a different story but I don’t recall him dealing with damage well in any fight I’ve seen of his. He wanted to grapple and was quick to find a way out if it wasn’t going his way, hence having a ton of early 1st round TKO and sub losses.

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And there is no way on god’s green Earth those were works. Holy shit.

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What a buncha kuntz.

Yep. That sucks BUT it’s not fixing fights, which is way worse.

I met Dan in New Orleans at some fights one night, I was there with my coach John Dixon…
I said hey damn before the night’s over with can I get a picture with you and he says to me… “Yeah, since you’re a friend of John’s, how long we charge you $15”…
I laughed,walked away and never went back over to him…


Frye maybe didn’t use legs locks in actual fights, but he knew them, and tore a training partners knee up with one.

Interesting thread. Combat sports have always been the easiest to fix.

Dan absolutely pulled some worked mma fights in his career, but not as much as some people on here think.

The first, and probably worst, was his fight with Matsunaga at U-Japan. His works with Shannon Ritch were comical, also. I wouldn’t call his fight with Kimo a work, just the most boring fight in history. Travis Fulton said he had a gentleman’s agreement with Dan not to punch each other in their WEC fight, but denied it was a work.

I don’t say any of this to defend Dan; he shouldn’t have been working any of his post-Uwfi fights. However, it’s not accurate to say most of his fights were works.