Do UFC Fighters need a Union now?

Haven't really heard anything about this in a little while...but with this new Reebok deal, do you guys think it's the best time for the fighters to start a fighters union? They all keep talking about how they want to be like the NFL, NBA, etc...well all those athletes have unions that represent them. Idk, sometimes I just think the fighters should realize how much power they have and not just let Dana and the heads of the UFC make decisions that will affect them financially without them being informed? Imo, I think they should start a union, what you guys think?




It's coming to this...

Fighters invest too many years of training and too much money to not be compensated fairly.

UFC is making a lot of money and going through fighters like water..... Phone Post 3.0

Yup.  Its fucking pathetic Schaub made half of his usual sponsorship money already...... and its still probably more than he'll get from Reebok. 


First the sponsorship tax fucked the fighters over, now this?  I hope a ton of guys jump ship to Bellator and make more money.  Id like to see all the best guys in the same org, but knowing a bunch of them personally I hope they follow the money

100%. Phone Post 3.0

It is way past time, but it's not going to happen.

It's up to the fighters to organize. No one can do it for them. And they have proven time-and-time-again that they have no solidarity with their fellow fighters. The top 10% will sell out the bottom 90% every time Zuffa throws a little extra cash their way.

yes, an association or whatever the format is.

It may already be too late, probably is. One of the biggest obstacles was/is the delta between top paid athletes and the lower level athletes. The discretionary bonus system along with the PPV revenue share creates an environment where the top 5% make the majority of the money and have no issue with how things are run (see Ronda). You need the top athletes to make it successful. The Reebok deal is going to enhance the problem.

That is if you wanted a Zuffa only Union.

It is a rare thing to see these days. Unions are also a lot less powerful then they once were. Even the Culinary Union's attack has slowed and it was not even over this class of employee.

What is more likely to happen is some sort of labor based lawsuit. When you are requiring/controlling where "consultants" prepare for work, where they work, when they work and what they wear when they work the argument can get made that they are not "contractors" but employees and entitled to more pay and rights. The 1099 laws are being reviewed right now and those changes can make the above even more realistic.

I don't know about a union but they need something and fast! At this rate the government investigating them again and soon.

No. It would be a bad thing to destroy MMA by turning it in to broken dysfunctional corrupt boxing.

Imaging if two or three top camps collaborated and refused to sign fights. Dana would be wetting himself and Lorenzo would give a live press conference to apologize.

Double post.

mmamathwiz - Imaging if two or three top camps collaborated and refused to sign fights. Dana would be wetting himself and Lorenzo would give a live press conference to apologize.

Zuffa would sue the shit out of them and win.

That kind of collaboration is illegal.

how so, they are independent contractors.

Raezor19 - many unions there ?

They can have a players association like tennis.

Anyway, has ANY active fighter really questioned that? The fans seems to care more about this than the actual fighters.

Mertvaya Ruka - Anyway, has ANY active fighter really questioned that? The fans seems to care more about this than the actual fighters.

Do you think they don't question it because they like it? I think the truth most are just afraid. The real question is how many have gotten behind it. 1? 2?

Would turn fighters in a bunch of whining lazy out of shape faggots. The sport would be a joke and would die. Classic unions consequences. Phone Post 3.0