Don Frye & Dan Severn talk about who would've won if Royce Gracie had fought Tank Abbott in the UFC?

holy shit Severn got grey!!!

Royce beat Dan.

Dan beat Tank.

Royce would beat Tank.



good break down…everyone is questioning tank’s cardio which is an issue
but royce never ate a clean punch from a real legit heavyweight puncher…
so who knows he would react to tanks power

Welcome to the forum op. Just a few days away from your “1 Month” badge.

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I think you are being far to generous with tanks cardio. Tank gassed in 1 minute if he blitzed, maybe he could last 5 if he went into eco Tank mode but that takes away his best asset.

I think Tank could start of cautiously and blitz in spurts. Royce goes for a take down, tank throws him off and swings for the fences till Royce backs off. Maybe tank clips him and he swarms on the ground.

Tank is very dangerous so you cannot say he cannot win against Royce. Royce also had shitty takedown and stand up so there is a point where Royce is vulnerable.

In hinde sight I’d still pick Royce to win in a no time limit fight. Tank taps from exhaustion imo

Funny, i seem to remember Royce tapping out Severn who was bigger, stronger and “knew some grappling”. So Royce could beat Severn but not Tank. :thinking:


styles…severn was a wrestler who went right into royce’s guard
tank would be swinging…again name one time…royce took a clean punch
from a legit heavyweight puncher… i’ll wait

funny i didnt see royce in ufc 6 or 7 or 8…gee i wonder why

norton broke ali’s jaw
foreman ruined norton
but ali ko’d foreman

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So now its Royces fault that his opponents fidnt fight the way you think they should have. Okay man.:+1:t5:

Kimo was 235lbs and a legit heavyweight. You can stop waiting now and create some new reason to move the goal posts. Whats next? Kimo wasnt a “legit” heavyweight puncher. As if there’s some kind of licensing and certification for legitimate heavyweight punchers? Lol.

Why dont you ask him? In the meanwhile though that has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion.

More shit thst has nothing to do with this discussion. Youre so desperate to appear right that now youre using examples from a whole other sport that has nothing to do with anything. Is Royce supposed to be Norton, Ali or Neorton?:laughing::laughing::laughing:


This stupid saying is soooooo feminine and played out. Whats next? Yass queen? You going to start clapping youre hands while shouting “Oh no boo boo!”


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no your just to slow to understand

yes kimo was a great ko puncher lol…because we all have seen his fights full of KO’S
and yes tank was exactly like Severn AND for sure he would try to take royce down and pin him…

and no tank would never think of swinging and trying to keep the fight standing lol
because we all know his thing was take people down lol

and of course royce did not run away as soon as more legit guys were coming in lol

your not worth debating because your a troll or your retarded

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Theres no debate. You asked a question and i answered it. Why cant you kids discuss mma on a mma discussion forum without getting frustrated and taking everything personally instead of just sticking to facts and opinions?

He got so upset that he forgot basic grammar. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

yes trolls and retards like yourself often find it funny
when they get owned

I changed my mind. I’ll play with you kid. Lets go.

Thats not what you asked. You didnt mention KO at all. You said Heavyweight puncher and i named one. Point me.

Nobody said anything about Tank exactly like severn. Youre the only one who keeps bringing up this pinning nonsense for whatever reason. Point me.

Okay, so now its Royce didnt fight anyone who wanted to keep it standing and swinging? Ooookay…

Art Jimmerson. Gerard Gordeau. Pat Smith. Keith Hackney. Minoki Ichihara. Roy Van Cleef. These were all strikers who wanted to stay standing. You can go ahead and dis these guys all you want but you watched Gordeau, Smith and Hackney KO SEVERAL FIGHTERS before Royce beat them. Now go ahead and move the goal posts again. Point me.

Yes, he ran to Japan and fought in the Pride Grand Prix which was the most stacked tournament ever. What a coward. Btw…who were those more legit guys coming in that he ran from? You mentioned Ufc 6, 7 and 8? Lets take a look.

UFC 6 Shamrock vs Severn. Royce beat BOTH OF THEM!

UFC 7 Ruas/Shamrock/Taktarov/Pardoel. Royce beat half of them as well.

UFC 8 Shamrock vs Kimo. You should already lnow whats coming…ROYCE BEAT BOTH OF THEM!

Good thing Royce left when e did. There’s no way he had a chance against that new wave of legit fighters…most of whom he had already beaten. LOL!

I was keeping score until now, but after that last salvo i had to institute the mercy rule. Game over. You lose.

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lol @ Fryes shirt

Sometimes but he also fought tournament style and fights that went twenty minutes straight. I don’t think he ever dropped out of a tournament from injury like Royce and Shamrock.

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I just find it amusing that a guy with an account less than 1 month old calls others a troll and a retard all while using “your” instead of “you’re” THREE TIMES in the same sentence.

Carry on.

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Yeah, a guy who posts YouTube videos with barley bay contest like a faggot is calling people a beta. Get back on your Twitter, pansy.

Waiting to see evidence of Kimo’s big KO power and looooooong list of KO’s. Dan Severn was bigger than Tank and Kimo…and he can’t bust a grape with his fists. Kimo was never a puncher in MMA.

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