Don Frye & Dan Severn talk about who would've won if Royce Gracie had fought Tank Abbott in the UFC?

Royce was an overachiever who was game as fuck & would never quit.

Tank was an underachiever who was game until he took a couple shots & would quit.

I gotta go with Royce. If he got position on Tank he wouldn’t give it up like Hugo, imo. He was fast & good at closing the distance. Tank would fall over from being off balance swinging sometimes. Royce wears him down & eventually Tank gives up his neck.

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Where did i or the post i responded to say anything about KO power? You’re another one of these weird guys who make up shit just to argue with.

What “shots” is Royce giving ? Prime Tank could wrestle and scramble. Also had a ton if fights that went the distance, he didn’t always gas. Royce isn’t any faster than Tank and likely isn’t getting him down.

You called Kimo a legit HW puncher. Kimo is not a “puncher”…Dan Servern is not a “puncher”. They are legit HW’s…they might “throw a punch”, but they are ineffective, They do not know to get their weight and leverage into their punches. They are not natural punchers despite their size. They have ZERO KO’s. ZERO. Connor McGregor, Jens Pulver, and Ronda Rousey are all more legit “punchers” than Kimo and Severn. Try again :rofl:


Yes…for a couple of minutes until he started gassing and would quit. He actually tapped out to a leg kick while standing and notnhavikg been dropped. Just got kicked hard and said im done. Lol.

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Part of what made RG so good was his ability to avoid being hit while entering to clench.

I think he’d come in under a big 1-2 by Tank, clench, pull guard, and start working his magic.

My only concern would be if RG could keep Tank close while in guard - Without the hair grab, Kimo would have been able to posture up and pound away. Tank had no hair to grab and he was exceptionally strong.


Yes. He was a legit HW and a puncher. Quit trying to make up shit that wasnt said.

What was he then when he fought Royce? A grappler? Kicker? He did nothing but throw punches in that fight. You’re an idiot.

Nobody said he was. Here we go withe the made up bullshit.:roll_eyes:

And right there you agree with me100%. They are legit HW’s amd throw punches. Nobody said ahit about ko power, effectiveness or anything else. Thats all your added on nonsense. The discussion is over right here with you stating the aame point i made…now lets see what crap you come up with in order to try and save face.

Once againni was right. Now youre talking about weight and leverage into punches, natural punching. Lol! Everyone can see the whole discussion sl who do you think youre fooling with this? You cant even keep yourself from lying and doing all this fuck shit can you?

More lies. We can all look at his record and see that you’re full of shit. Smh.

tank went , 18 with dan, 15 with anjo, 17 minutes with oleg (both were gassed at high altitude)
if tank fought smart he would beat royce
severn fought both and picked tank
royce aint takin him down or winning the standup

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This is being overlooked. Royce fought plenty of strikers and took some good shots. His fight with Hackney was a great fight.

Did he fight someone with Tank’s power? Probably not, but he certainly fought more technical strikers than Tank and managed not to get knocked out.

If guys like Hackney and Pat Smith couldn’t land a KO shot to Royce, why should I believe Tank would have?


Shots from the top.

Exactly. If Tank was ready to stop, he was stopping. Didn’t care lol.

It’s possible he could get top or back & I think with Tank he would try his best in the scramble for it.

Everyone of the top guys that lost to Royce back then talked him down & picked the people they beat to beat him. Lots of excuses, etc.

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I think the question would be who imposes their game best from Tank in JG’s guard, because that position would be inevitable.

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If RG takes his back it’s over. Frye worked a crossover into a choke successfully.

Dan Severn has scored 23 KO’s according to Wikipedia:


Yeah I have often wondered if history would have been different if Kimo didn’t have a a pony tail when he fought Royce.

Also Erik Paulson. That black guy had a handful of hair like a ghetto girl.

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Did he fight the Cannon 23 times?

And lost all but one of them. He also lost to Kimo. Just throwing out there.

If if if.

When did Tank “fight smart”?

Severn los to Royce and beat Tank. Why do you keep referencing fights, but dont mention who won? :wink:

Royce couldnt take down Severn or win the standup, yet he still won the fight? Come to think it, there were quite a few fights Royce couldnt take someone down or beat them in standup yet he still won. How does that work? Hmmmm…:thinking:


Yep. Because he was a dog out there but no one remembers that. They just think of him pulling guard & surviving damage. He was bringing it right to you & if you didn’t have your shit prepared you were going to get rolled, despite his size, strength, or punching power.