Don Frye & Dan Severn talk about who would've won if Royce Gracie had fought Tank Abbott in the UFC?

It would be a fight. Royce would get hit. Prob fucked up a bit. But no quit Ill fight the devil early Royce with the family behind him is pulling this out.

Royce weathered the storm against Severn when Severn was still fairly young He also beat Kimo by weathering the storm.Oleg weathered the storm against Tank and I think Royce would too and eevntually catch Tank.Of course this is a fight and tank could knock him out.Would have been a cool matchup


Styles make fights and Tank is a very bad match up for Royce. The fight goes one of two ways, either with Royce being flatlined in less than two minutes, or a long boring fight where Royce gets pounded in his guard for 30mins. Either way, it’s a bad night for Gracie.


LOL like how Shamrock, Severn, and Kimo pounded him in his guard? Royce tapped them all out.

Kimo subbed Tank and Severn beat Tank by UD. Royce subbed both of them. What makes you think he couldn’t do the same thing to Tank? LOL

Shamrock lost the first fight due to complete ignorance, not taking anything away from Royce, but that fight may have been a lot different had Ken not dived for a rudimentary ankle lock when he had a superior position.

As for Severn, Severn was too polite and befuddled in that fight. Tank was a bully. If Severn had a 1/5th of Tank’s jerky instincts he would have hammer fisted him into a grease spot, even without being a great puncher. Severn could have easily won that fight had he been more aggressive. Again, that doesn’t negate Royce’s win, he won, but he should also be thankful that Severn wasn’t a “fighter.”

Beating Kimo was impressive, and almost didn’t happen either. Kimo’s ponytail was a huge blessing to Royce in that fight and shows you how far naked aggression from a strong opponent can do.

I see Tank being very difficult for Royce to take down, and clinching up with Tank seems like an invitation for a knockout. I also don’t see Royce being able to armbar Tank either. Interestingly, I think the only thing that Royce has going for him here is the gi, A gi choke was probably his most realistic option agsint Tank, possibly a triangle, but I see him losing to Tank as far more likely. I don’t like Tank, and Tank was his own worst enemy, but again, matchups/styles make fights, and I see Tank as being a bad opponent for Gracie. Look at it this way, if he barely escaped with his life against Kimo, who had no idea what he was doing, I doubt that he would have fared much better against Tank, who despite his faults could throw a punch and had at least 20 minutes in his tank, at least in the UFC VI-VII era, which I assume is the time frame we’re talking about here.

respect your opinion and good post But I think Royce would wait until Tank gets tired like he did against Oleg But great matchup

That’s like saying if Teila learned some Kyokushin/Savate, he would have beaten or done better against Gordeau. Those guys stepped into the cage with what they knew. Besides, Shamrock drew in the rematch and lost by TKO in their final match. Meaning Shammy never did any better against Royce.

Royce was far superior to Shammy when it came to strategy and techniques.

LOL you’re coping. Severn was a high-level wrestler who had a black belt in Judo and trained in Sambo. That’s the ONLY reason why he lasted 15 mins against Royce.

Pulling hair was permitted at UFC 3. It was Kimo’s problem if he stepped in the cage with a ponytail.

Keep in mind Tank didn’t know what he was doing either. Yes, he would have given Royce a tough fight, but to believe Royce would have gotten KO’d or beaten up is pure fantasy.

Even though Oleg won by RNC, he looked half dead, whereas Tank looked tired but was still okay.

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u can say the same with Royce when he beat Kimo and Severn He had a way of weathering the storm and finding a way to win But after the Kimo and Severn fight he looked like the loser but won

Another point is that Tank fully committed to his strikes and movement and, as a result, he was often off balance (how Frye took his back). I would think RG could capitalize on that.

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Royce won the 3rd match because he kneed Shamrock in the balls (I.E., cheated), that’s hardly a great talking point for this discussion, or a ringing endorsement for his skills. I’m not taking anything away from Royce, beating a prime Ken Shamrock as ignorant as he was, is impressive, but let’s not act like the element of surprise wasn’t a huge factor in that first fight.

Again, not much else to say about Severn/Royce, other than Severn should have won that fight had he any sense of aggression. He didn’t, therefore Royce got the opening, but I doubt that would be replicated in any number of rematches.

I have a lot of respect for Royce the MMA fighter, and I even think that he’s underrated by a lot of modern fans, but I have to be objective, and as much as I dislike Tank Abbott, he’s clearly the smart pick. At least the Tank from UFC 6 to Ultimate Brazil.

im talking about the draw,Yes he may have been losing but he wouldnt quit .Severn was same size as tank and beat tank decisively.Yet Royce was able to find a way to win.Royce IMO also has bigger wins than Tank,.Its hypothetical so there is no winner

The Gracies and BJJ are masters of capitalizing on mistakes and refusing to tap to strikes

Watch all of Tank’s early fights. Any time he was in someone’s guard he slowed down to about 1/4th speed. Sloppy striking and seemed to tire out quickly from that position. The only successful attack he had against someone in the guard was pushing his head into Steve Jennum’s face and making him tap in Ultimate Ultimate 95.

He did the same thing to Franklin years later didn’t he?

Again, it’s not Royce’s problem if Ken didn’t know how to fight in someone’s guard. Ignorance is no excuse.

Oh, and Royce’s knee strike landed on Ken’s belt line, which still hurts like a mofo. It was an unfortunate and anticlimactic finish.

No, that was something weird, and altogether different. Ken tried to dive in with some kind of Imanariesque leg attack, botched it, but then wound up following it up with an impressive ankle pick.

ken took a dive in that fight as well as Kimbo and Berry

Tank would’ve probably given Royce a savage beating for about 5-7 minutes but Royce would survive the early onslaught then gas him out and finish him


I was thinking he fell back for a leg lock from top at one point & that’s how he got the heel hook or whatever he had? Did that not happen? Joe asked how bad the lock was & Rich was like… meh.