Don Frye on f*cking idiot Mark Kerr

Lol I love Frye! He reminds me of jake the snake Robert's.

Mark Kerr owned Don Frye is this series of interviews. Frye, comes across like a piece of trailer park garbage. On the other hand, Kerr, very open about his own flaws and not once said a bad word about Frye. 

Frye accusing Kerr of juicing? WTF? Frye was as juiced as they came. Probably still is. 

william795 - 

Hey hats off to Mark because he was super open & honest in that interview.  Seemed super easy going & didn't say anything bad back about Don just seemed to be 100% open.  That's pretty rare.

Did a great job, clearly a sharp dude

Here is the entire full length Frye interview.

One of the most likeable legends in the sport.

Old school UFC was a billion times better than this watered down shitfest we got now boys.

5 minutes of Tanks career was more exciting than entire divisions we have now.

KaiTangata - 

What the fuck is going on in this thread? Frye drinking from a horse trough and Tank drinking from a Pool. Dafuq? 

fucking hilarious

horrible video, but awesome fight