Donald Cerrone is a Cowboy...

 "I think the kid is destined to be a serious contender, regardless of what happens this Saturday night. His blend of high level Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai is fucking beatiful. We all know of his ground game, especially his guard - which very well may be the most active in the division. And for a BJJ guy, his striking is smooth."

Cowboys and Assassins


 How can you not like Cerrone?

i'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride, i'm wanted, dead or alive..

sick fuckin fight

MartialArtsMixed - i'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride, i'm wanted, dead or alive..



duckhuntgangsta -  superCalo would be so proud :-) Phone Post

 lol, no this is in reference to the "Charles Oliveira is an Assassin... " thread

DamnSevern - 
MartialArtsMixed - i'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride, i'm wanted, dead or alive..



BTW Oliviera gonna tap dat ass

FOTN Phone Post


DamnSevern -
MartialArtsMixed - i'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride, i'm wanted, dead or alive..


That shit gave me the giggles ahaha! Phone Post

It's all the same only the names will change everyday it seems we're wastesting away another place ..where the faces are so cold I drive all night just to get back home...


Cowboy is one of the most underrated fighters out there. Love watching this guy fight. Could have finished Vagner but cowboy respected his ground skills to much. Rocha is a shark on the ground Phone Post

Cowboy is a part of the disgusting dross formed beneath American culture.

TTT Phone Post

superCalo - Cowboy is a legit cowboy he lives on a ranch, raises long horn cattle, rides a hoss, don't see how a city slicker like Oliveria can possibly beat a touch hombre like cowboy, country folk are dirt tough and thats the truth

 As much as I loath to agree with superCalo.  His logic might not be the best, but his answer is sound.  Cowboy is going to beat Oliviera up on their feet, and sub it when they go to the ground.  I'm calling it right now, Mid-late Rd 2...darst (in honor of Christmas).

Cerrone is a great fighter but lucky for dating Brittney Palmer Phone Post

 Cowboy's a perfect example of someone who is doing everything in thier power to live up to their potential...and he's doing one HELL of a job.  As of now, his only losses are to champions (or future champions).


 ^well said sir