Donald Cerrone is a Cowboy...


duckhuntgangsta -
Brett Rogers High Kick WTF II -
THE Kevin Chandler - 
Brett Rogers High Kick WTF II -  Me checking in as Brett Rogers High Kick, which was bizarre enough to begin with, and this is one of the last times I'll be checking in as that. From now on, I'm going to be Cerrone's Cowgirl thanks to Kevin Chandler. First off, I fucked up Cerrone is an absolute Savage. The kid definitely deserves a top contender at this point. As for Charles, I hope he bounces back from this loss. 

So props to Cowboy, I guess I'm his Cowgirl right? lol

Just to add to the comedic value of the SN bet. I was thinking of using a gay cowboy pic, any ideas? 

 Lol, I keep forgetting you're new to the UG.  The SN bet is only for 30 days (I mean, we didn't specify, but that's usually the normal time).  You don't have to change it forever!  That would suck!

As for the pic, I responded in the other thread, but if I get to choose the icon too then it's...

So I email Chris or PM him? What do I do? 

bRHK you just gained a few cool points in my book. Phone Post

Thanks brother, but I'm not BRHK... I'm Cerrone's Cowgirl. Phone Post

DamnSevern -  ^ha

I know right Phone Post

Way to cowgirl up man

Leghound - Way to cowgirl up man

 Thanks, me and my friends approve...

TTT Phone Post

 HOLY FUCKING SHIT!  LMFAO!  Damnit, Cowgirl!  We leave for just a couple fucking hours, and you come in and GAY up the place!  But nice job living up to the fullest aspects of the bet....I just wonder if you're enjoying it too much...

And just to remind people that Donald "Cowboy" Cerrone is a fan of the LADIES....let us remember who he's currently schtooping....

THE Kevin Chandler -  HOLY FUCKING SHIT!  LMFAO!  Damnit, Cowgirl!  We leave for just a couple fucking hours, and you come in and GAY up the place!  But nice job living up to the fullest aspects of the bet....I just wonder if you're enjoying it too much...

And just to remind people that Donald "Cowboy" Cerrone is a fan of the LADIES....let us remember who he's currently schtooping....

 No, just trying to have fun with the guys....Wait, that sounded wrong, actually that sounded really fucked up. Forget that I said that. 

duckhuntgangsta - 
Cerrone's Cowgirl -
duckhuntgangsta -
Brett Rogers High Kick WTF II -
THE Kevin Chandler - 
Brett Rogers High Kick WTF II -  Me checking in as Brett Rogers High Kick, which was bizarre enough to begin with, and this is one of the last times I'll be checking in as that. From now on, I'm going to be Cerrone's Cowgirl thanks to Kevin Chandler. First off, I fucked up Cerrone is an absolute Savage. The kid definitely deserves a top contender at this point. As for Charles, I hope he bounces back from this loss. 

So props to Cowboy, I guess I'm his Cowgirl right? lol

Just to add to the comedic value of the SN bet. I was thinking of using a gay cowboy pic, any ideas? 

 Lol, I keep forgetting you're new to the UG.  The SN bet is only for 30 days (I mean, we didn't specify, but that's usually the normal time).  You don't have to change it forever!  That would suck!

As for the pic, I responded in the other thread, but if I get to choose the icon too then it's...

So I email Chris or PM him? What do I do? 

bRHK you just gained a few cool points in my book. Phone Post
Thanks brother, but I'm not BRHK... I'm Cerrone's Cowgirl. Phone Post
Own it. Phone Post
I'm pretty sure I did dude....


MartialArtsMixed - i'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride, i'm wanted, dead or alive..

Lol. I gotta chance to talk to him at his afterparty Sunday night. Real cool guy, I was surprised to find out that he and Cole Miller don't like one another.