Don't poke fun of Kite Dale on Instagram...

I never make or read social media drama, but I guess I accidentally caused some by doing the right thing?

I follow 3 of the big comedy guys on IG, they post the funny pics that everyone shares etc, and 90% of the time the stuff they post they give credit for where they found it etc, because they make money off this, and their hundreds of thousands of followers.

So I also follow Kite Dale, not a huge fan of him, but he seems funny and is good at BJJ. The problem is, literally every single time one of these big names posts a funny picture, basically like clockwork a few posts up, there it is reposted by Kit. The problem is he never gives credit, just gets tons of clueless people typing "LMFAGOO OMFGG KIT YOU KILL ME! HOW DO YOU THINK OF THIS STUFF!!" underneath. Giving credit is important, and I never get involved in this shit but today he literally reposted one within 30 seconds of of a big name posting.

All I said was Cmon Kit, you could at least wait a day before ripping off someone elses stuff as your own. He instantly replies calling me a stupud cunt, and says everyone rips his stuff off, and they dont make that stuff up either. Then blocked and deleted me naturally. The problem is Kit they give credit where they get their material, you dont and get all the pros from it.

TL;DR I am just sick of these guys trying to become E-Celebs instead of just doing fucking jiu jitsu, and I hate when people dont give credit to people work. I know not BJJ and Ill probably get called a tremendous faggot for this post, but I am surprised is all.

douche move. Blocking and deleting?

Yea basically all I wanted to say was at least give credit, he loves not responding to all the comments saying "omg kit you did it again this is hilarious!" but he instantly responds to me when I call him out for re posting other peoples stuff with no credit. He instantly blocked and deleted me off his account.

He used to post technique stuff and funny bjj stuff. Now he just wants to be a e celeb I guess. Lol at his name being "TherealKitDale" all those impersonators you know...

Truth be told, he has ripped-off a lot of comedic stuff from my own personal website,

Luckily your twitter and instagram handles "TheRealShen(tm)" are still locked down.

Seriously am I crazy? He wants to be a comedian, when 90% of the stuff is just reposts of other big name guys stuff... at least those guys give credit on it. He should of stuck to bjj, instead of attention whoring and getting rashguards with his face made on them.

I trolled him once and he blocked me lol. Didn't respond just straight blocked right away.

I guess he didn't like my Keenan reference. Eventually I was unblocked lol

I made an off handed comment on his page one time. Nothing directed meanly at him. He called me an irreverent loser and everything that was wrong with the martial arts community. Haha but for someone that likes to bash religion and be more of a comedy page, he has thin skin.

***actually it was after the Neer video came out. A page was giving credit to Kit Dale for starting these call outs and I said the difference is Josh did it without wanting paid. Phone Post 3.0

shen - 

Truth be told, he has ripped-off a lot of comedic stuff from my own personal website,

I applaud master shen for his courage in coming forward with this.  Far too often comedy is stolen from it's original creators.  As Edmund Bruke so correctly said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."


Seats Taken - I made an off handed comment on his page one time. Nothing directed meanly at him. He called me an irreverent loser and everything that was wrong with the martial arts community. Haha but for someone that likes to bash religion and be more of a comedy page, he has thin skin.

***actually it was after the Neer video came out. A page was giving credit to Kit Dale for starting these call outs and I said the difference is Josh did it without wanting paid. Phone Post 3.0
Fair enough comment. However, a guy does not have to keep you on his page when you insult him. Phone Post 3.0

Knox Harrington (the fim maker) had a good back and forth with Kit.

Alumynabjj - Also someone needs to ask him what his cycle looks like cause goddamn he has blown up.
That's another thing. Half his posts are physique shots, where he mocks people saying he's on roids....they do that because you are, and posting shots of yourself as a skinny fat dude 4 years ago proves the point. I am on trt Kit, don't try and bullshit a bullshitter lol.

Instead he hocks some trash like "ask me about my diet and workout plans." Phone Post 3.0

Caught_clean -
Alumynabjj - Also someone needs to ask him what his cycle looks like cause goddamn he has blown up.
That's another thing. Half his posts are physique shots, where he mocks people saying he's on roids....they do that because you are, and posting shots of yourself as a skinny fat dude 4 years ago proves the point. I am on trt Kit, don't try and bullshit a bullshitter lol.

Instead he hocks some trash like "ask me about my diet and workout plans." Phone Post 3.0
Why do you think he's taken a break from competing? Even my retarded cousin can tell he's juicing Phone Post 3.0

He's an overrated narcissist....

I'm glad I'm not crazy. Started following the dude because he had some good bjj, had some decent matches with keenan, and posted some funny bjj skits.

Can you imagine making a single comment on any other bjj guys wall about him reposting other people's stuff, and they respond by calling you a cunt and blocking you? Phone Post 3.0

Dude used to be cool. I've known of him since purple belt. Of late it all seems to have gone to his head. I have a funny one.

Andre Galvao posted a pic on Instagram when he hit 200,000 followers and I tagged kit cause he has posted something recently, and I was like "your no Andre Galvao!" He writes back

"Andre is awesome.... But who the fuck are you" hahaha Phone Post 3.0

ozjiujitsu - Dude used to be cool. I've known of him since purple belt. Of late it all seems to have gone to his head. I have a funny one.

Andre Galvao posted a pic on Instagram when he hit 200,000 followers and I tagged kit cause he has posted something recently, and I was like "your no Andre Galvao!" He writes back

"Andre is awesome.... But who the fuck are you" hahaha Phone Post 3.0
You from debeens st kilda? Phone Post 3.0

What a bunch of wank. People talking about having a go at the guy then being slapped down then coming on here and bitching about how the bad man called them cunts and how much of a douche he is. Grow up and behave like men you wankers!

Slickflow -
ozjiujitsu - Dude used to be cool. I've known of him since purple belt. Of late it all seems to have gone to his head. I have a funny one.

Andre Galvao posted a pic on Instagram when he hit 200,000 followers and I tagged kit cause he has posted something recently, and I was like "your no Andre Galvao!" He writes back

"Andre is awesome.... But who the fuck are you" hahaha Phone Post 3.0
You from debeens st kilda? Phone Post 3.0
Nah mate Roots in Canberra Phone Post 3.0

scaron - What a bunch of wank. People talking about having a go at the guy then being slapped down then coming on here and bitching about how the bad man called them cunts and how much of a douche he is. Grow up and behave like men you wankers!

He mocks people relentlessly and when he gets mocked he can't handle it and blocks them.

Who's the real asshole here m8?

The people he mocks aren't obligated to keep him on their feeds either.