Down 53 pounds in 45 days doing Tapout xt !!!!!!

Golden thread. Phone Post 3.0

Brock Lobster -
Kim Jong Uno - I don't know guys, this doesn't seem like a shill, just a guy wanting to share his experience with us and get people excited about getting fit. I have been trying hard to get these extra lbs off and as I was sitting here reading posts on my Samsung Galaxy S4, seeing this post just strengthened my resolve.

See that's the great thing about my Samsung Galaxy S4, with the 4G LTE technology I don't have to wait until I get home to my own computer to be inspired, I can log in and see motivational posts like these no matter where I am. Good luck tapoutxtchamp
Well done sir. Phone Post 3.0
Vtfu for great name Phone Post 3.0

Kim Jong Uno - I don't know guys, this doesn't seem like a shill, just a guy wanting to share his experience with us and get people excited about getting fit. I have been trying hard to get these extra lbs off and as I was sitting here reading posts on my Samsung Galaxy S4, seeing this post just strengthened my resolve.

See that's the great thing about my Samsung Galaxy S4, with the 4G LTE technology I don't have to wait until I get home to my own computer to be inspired, I can log in and see motivational posts like these no matter where I am. Good luck tapoutxtchamp
This made my day! Phone Post 3.0

Kim Jong Uno - I don't know guys, this doesn't seem like a shill, just a guy wanting to share his experience with us and get people excited about getting fit. I have been trying hard to get these extra lbs off and as I was sitting here reading posts on my Samsung Galaxy S4, seeing this post just strengthened my resolve.

See that's the great thing about my Samsung Galaxy S4, with the 4G LTE technology I don't have to wait until I get home to my own computer to be inspired, I can log in and see motivational posts like these no matter where I am. Good luck tapoutxtchamp
Voted up... Phone Post 3.0

TDSportPhotos - 
tapoutxtchamp - My son was/ is the motivation behind this. He is 15 and he started asking me all these questions about " When I got Fat" The final straw was when I gave him a hug and he pushed me away- I asked him why.. He said sometimes I don't like Fat Dad so much.


A 15-year-old said "I don't like Fat Dad so much"? 


He probably misheard "I don't like Fag Dad so much"

Might try it out. Phone Post 3.0

Don't keep us all posted on your continued regression with any new progress pics or vid clips. Don't show us what you got man. Don't wanna see how freakin' small, fimsy, thin and loose you can get. Thanks for the demotivation.

tapoutxtchamp - I'm a 45 year old from Seattle Wash, and I'm down 53 it the halfway point. I do the Tapout workout every-morning eat two good meals , and walk slow for 60 to 90 minutes each night . I do a Tapout protein shake about 10 am and two Tapout energy supplements at 2pm and 6pm.

I have not been hungry, yes I've been sore but I was 300 pounds when I started, I don't think I can lose a smooth 100 in 90 days but I think I can reach 80. I literally already look like a different person I can only imagine what I will look like when I finish the 90 days.. Sorry if I should have posted this on another forum but maybe I can motivate some people
. Phone Post 3.0

Phone Post 3.0

Fat Dad?

"Who are you?.....'I'm Fatdad.'"

Phone Post 3.0

Phone Post 3.0

Ha Phone Post 3.0

need this after the holidays