Dustin Ware Vs. Tony Sylvester BJJ

I have heard some rumors that there may be a super fight at the Ohio Grapling Challenge between Dustin ware and Tony Sylvester. Is that Possiability I am sure alot of people would like to see it!! I heard that Dustin may be hesitant though since his show and the chance of a loss...any trueness?

Jory Malone beat one of these guys and might do it if one cant. He is a super heavy brown belt.

I will do it if I can punch Dustin in the grill! lol. j/k bro.

Where is Tony S. training these days???



First, let me say that this is the FIRST I have even heard Tony's name involved with wanting to take part in the SuperFight.  I have posted my contact information for weeks now, and if he wanted to be considered, then all someone had to do was let me know.


Second, if I wanted to compete against Tony, I would not come on a public forum and "call him out"...not my style!  I am more professional then that. Besides, this is a "Grappling match", and not an MMA fight...so why would there be "rumors floating" around about that???


Third, being that I am the Co-Director of this event, you are exactly right...I will have more important things on my plate...like making sure that the competition runs as smooth & as fair as possible.  Does that mean I am "afraid" to grapple Tony, or anyone else because I might lose...you aren't serious are you!  I have competed all over the U.S., in Gi & No-Gi competitions.  I have won & I have lost...but I have never stepped on a mat and been afraid to lose.  To me, competition is only an extension of my training.  It allows for me to truly understand the theory & technique that my coaches & training partners have helped develop into my game.


All that aside, I think Tony is a good wrestler, but I have no idea what is submission game is like. I always look forward to having the chance to learn/train with other "big guys", as it does help me prepare for competition.  


That said, Tony is more then welcome to come to my school here in Columbus, as I am sure his wrestling ability would help me out greatly. I have no ill-will or animosity towards the guy.


So..."FLAWLESSVICTORY," I think you should do some more "homework" before coming on here and trying to make me look like I am scared or "hesitant".  I am neither, but I am also not going to be doing a Super Fight at the Ohio Grappling Challenge.


- Dustin Ware

ttt for a classy Dustin!!


Jory did get me down in TN...he is very skilled in the Gi.

But, in my defense, I had just compated in the Bad Breed No-Gi Invatitional...I went 1-1 with a win over Sherman Pendergrass...and a loss to Mike Rodgers......so I have an excuse.....that was the same day...right...Just Kidding :-)

Jory is very good, and I look forward to seeing him compate again if I am back down South.

- Dustin

no disrespect intended...just herad some things you can calm down now...and quit freaking out...lol...i saw someone esle mention this a while ago on teh underground and just was wondering what was up becasue it was off as soon as some other guy put it up!

Dustin I challenge you to a match!!!! Not BJJ but a contest to see who can wait longer for their matches at the next Arnold Classic!!!

Flawlessvictory shut your pie hole. Dustin competes to get better and will match anyone to do so. To disrespect him by saying he is scared is wrong!!


Regardless, it was the first time I had seen it.  Hell, one of my team mates called and told me about this one...

As far as me "calming down"....I not upset at all...I just want to put rumors to bed before they even have the chance to get out of hand.

So, FLAWLESSVICTORY, are you competing at the OGC?  If so, I wish you success. 

This should be a good event, as I am expecting only about 100 competitors.  But, I think the quality of the grapplers will be high, which always makes for a good event, regardless of the size.

See you all on the mats!

- Dustin


Ive seen Dustin win, and ive seen Dustin lose. I have also seen Dustin running around like a scalded dog, because he was doing so much at a tourney (NAGA ring a bell?). To even think that he is afraid to grapple someone is one of the funniest things ive ever heard. Im sure that any descision he makes regarding if he has a match or not, will be a choice made based on the amount of time he will be able to commit to the match. After all, you have to change into the gi, then you have to warm up and get streched out, then there is the time spent waiting before the match, because Dustin himself is no longer running the show, because he is in "fight" mode, then there is the match, then there is a cool down period. That is a lot of shit to worry about, when you have a tourney to run. Big D.....match or no match, gl to ya, and gl for the tourney. Team JG gonna represent!


thanks...but I do try to win more than I lose :-)

So far, so good.


Cool then its squashed...im not down for the internet warfare or argueing....its stupid..and its done now. Maybee i wrote it awkwardly so it came out as if it was a shot atcha...it wasnt...plus i was under the impression from the info i got it would be a No-gi match..it its Gi then im gona assume you would get the better most likely..since tony is an mma guy. tony is a mma guy but your both far from small and the fans would of enjoyed it alot!

i would bet the farm on dustin. Also it's funny how a new poster with only 7 posts starts a thread like this. Smells a little funny, come to think of it smells like PUSSY

I think the guy gets the point.

I am not scared, I have the crdentials to back that up, and I am a great guy...OK, I added the last part :-)

Thanks for the support Braden...heard you are pushing 230lbs...we need to get together and train.

As you may know, I have my new house down in Pickerington...whay dont you swing by the the UFC "get togther" I am having next Saturday...I think the guys that come by would be surprised to see you.


How is everything in St. Louis?  You get your Brown yet...kidding, I know Rodrigo makes you guys wait for at least 23.5 years before he will consdier it...unless you are special like the two Mike's :-)

The Arnolds wont be thes ame this year...as it is going to be under "new management"!

As for the Nationals...well, I guess we will have to see.


oh...since everyone seems so interedted in my private life...for the first time since 2003...I am "working out" outside the gym!!! 

I am running and strength training 5 days a week, on top of the classes I teach.  With the help of my team mates, and my good friend Gavin Enck, I hope to get to where I want to be in the next 6-8 months...I am at 300lbs now, and hope to be down to 270lbs by the end of October...by Feb. I hope to be down to 250lbs...

But, I will just take my training one day at a time, and see what happens...


Whats going on?  You going to be at this Grappling event?

If not, I will might run into you at the fights in Cleveland on the same day, as one of my students, Matt Brown, will be fighting.

You still doing the wrestling thing?



dustin we gotta talk.

potential show down here in cincy

