Egg whites-not complete?

I read Dexter Jackson say that egg whites w/o the yolk are an incomplete protein that cant be effectively used/absorbed by the body.

Is this correct?

Does it sound correct that your body cannot use eggs effectively?

WTF nigga.

Incomplete versus complete is nonsense for bodybuilders to debate. Just eat.

F Dexter Jackson.

I am a bodybuilder.

I once had a Mr. North Jersey tell me only to sip my water at meals because if I took large gulps it could wash the food I was eating through my system and I wouldn't get the nutrients.


But back to the eggs, I do like to include one or two yolks with my egg whites.

czech out this article.|htmlws-main-n|dl8|link3|

Unless you have a serious cholesterol problem eat whole eggs.

turducken - they are complete if you "eat" them rectally, which is most commonly done with a turkey baster. the amino acids are shuttled from your colon directly to your muscle cells with a absorption rate of approximately 99.97%, there is almost no loss to the digestion process like you would have if you took them in through your stomach.

Could you clarify. Hard boiled? With or without shell?

I have between 3-4 eggs every day from mon-fri.

Hard boiled.

And i eat all of the egg.

turducken - 
GaryG - 
turducken - they are complete if you "eat" them rectally, which is most commonly done with a turkey baster. the amino acids are shuttled from your colon directly to your muscle cells with a absorption rate of approximately 99.97%, there is almost no loss to the digestion process like you would have if you took them in through your stomach.

Could you clarify. Hard boiled? With or without shell?

liquid whites obviously...would be pretty fucking ridiculous to shove solid cooked eggwhites up your ass


turducken - 
GaryG - 
turducken - they are complete if you "eat" them rectally, which is most commonly done with a turkey baster. the amino acids are shuttled from your colon directly to your muscle cells with a absorption rate of approximately 99.97%, there is almost no loss to the digestion process like you would have if you took them in through your stomach.

Could you clarify. Hard boiled? With or without shell?

liquid whites obviously...would be pretty fucking ridiculous to shove solid cooked eggwhites up your ass

Ahhhh the "Rocky reverse"

I eat between 12-24 WHOLE eggs every day and have been doing so since i was in the 8th grade. Not only do you get more vitamins, minerals, and protein from eating the whole egg, my cholesterol level is excellent, even though i come from a family with high cholesterol. You're a fool if you only eat the egg whites.

Wet - I eat between 12-24 WHOLE eggs every day and have been doing so since i was in the 8th grade. Not only do you get more vitamins, minerals, and protein from eating the whole egg, my cholesterol level is excellent, even though i come from a family with high cholesterol. You're a fool if you only eat the egg whites.

Didn't you say on the OG that you haven't been under 300 pounds in years? Not taking a shot at you but I wonder if eating 12-24 whole eggs every day has anything to do with it.

LeftBench - 
Wet - I eat between 12-24 WHOLE eggs every day and have been doing so since i was in the 8th grade. Not only do you get more vitamins, minerals, and protein from eating the whole egg, my cholesterol level is excellent, even though i come from a family with high cholesterol. You're a fool if you only eat the egg whites.

Didn't you say on the OG that you haven't been under 300 pounds in years? Not taking a shot at you but I wonder if eating 12-24 whole eggs every day has anything to do with it.

The 12-24 eggs (along with a lot of other food) has helped me build a big solid lean body. Im 300+ pounds by choice since i only focus on strength training/powerlifting and not bodybuilding, but im not what you would consider fat. People either mistake me for Brock Lesnar or think i play in the NFL. Ive put together diet plans for highschool and college wrestlers that including a lot of whole eggs and they were as cut as you can get.

turducken - ^you must fart more and have nastier smelling farts than anyone else on the planet

Ive had to cut back on the hard boiled eggs or my girlfriend makes me sleep in the livingroom

Wet - 
LeftBench - 
Wet - I eat between 12-24 WHOLE eggs every day and have been doing so since i was in the 8th grade. Not only do you get more vitamins, minerals, and protein from eating the whole egg, my cholesterol level is excellent, even though i come from a family with high cholesterol. You're a fool if you only eat the egg whites.

Didn't you say on the OG that you haven't been under 300 pounds in years? Not taking a shot at you but I wonder if eating 12-24 whole eggs every day has anything to do with it.

The 12-24 eggs (along with a lot of other food) has helped me build a big solid lean body. Im 300+ pounds by choice since i only focus on strength training/powerlifting and not bodybuilding, but im not what you would consider fat. People either mistake me for Brock Lesnar or think i play in the NFL. Ive put together diet plans for highschool and college wrestlers that including a lot of whole eggs and they were as cut as you can get.

Gotcha, my bad. I think I misinterpreted you on the other thread and assumed you are fat. Kudos to you my friend!

LeftBench - 
Wet - 
LeftBench - 
Wet - I eat between 12-24 WHOLE eggs every day and have been doing so since i was in the 8th grade. Not only do you get more vitamins, minerals, and protein from eating the whole egg, my cholesterol level is excellent, even though i come from a family with high cholesterol. You're a fool if you only eat the egg whites.

Didn't you say on the OG that you haven't been under 300 pounds in years? Not taking a shot at you but I wonder if eating 12-24 whole eggs every day has anything to do with it.

The 12-24 eggs (along with a lot of other food) has helped me build a big solid lean body. Im 300+ pounds by choice since i only focus on strength training/powerlifting and not bodybuilding, but im not what you would consider fat. People either mistake me for Brock Lesnar or think i play in the NFL. Ive put together diet plans for highschool and college wrestlers that including a lot of whole eggs and they were as cut as you can get.

Gotcha, my bad. I think I misinterpreted you on the other thread and assumed you are fat. Kudos to you my friend!

Its cool. I would probably assume the same thing