Erik Apple the oil checker...

sounds like a killer match-up to me!!

LOL. I know, I know. Just like Danny was going own me in the first round. Have a nice day

Hey Eric, is Marco accepting new students?


Apple has nothing to gain from fighting you Ray except to further his rep of fighting cans.

Apple is on a new and improved diet of real fighters, you should have got him a few fights ago back when he was fighting guys like you.

Arizona Can Mafia!!


Ray, what's up you can't make a name of your own?

Ray is such a hypster. If we fight , then fine. I have like a hundred dudes who want to be beat me up. And everyone of them is going to call me a pussy if I dont fight them all in the next 6 weeks. You and I may fight soon, or we may not. But stop with this shit on the UG.

But that's what makes the UG fun. Call him out some more.

ray elbe- you are probably the biggest donkey on the UG. serioulsy GTS for life. As soon as I find a picture of you, you will be on the front page of You try way too hard. I don't think I have ever seen anyone try as hard as you. If I were Apple I woudln't waste my time responding to you on the UG let alone fighting your cheap ass. You are a pathetic gimp. I think a lot of people read this board and you make yourself look like an idiot. Look at yourself. You are a fucking pathetic looser

Elbe should find tougher opponents, imo. This fight is beneath him, imo

Is Ray Elbe the guy who has been in Rampages car with hot chicks,, been invited to fights by Joe Riggs ,,is a posterboy for myspace ,, a legend in his own mind ... I cant remember the countless times iv been on here reading his selfpromoting jibberish ...

Its annoying already bro !!!

Dam Apples, evreyone wants a piece!!!!

We both know its you and me next in total combat.

No smack talkin here, we are both at good camps and I am sure you will train hard too.

I expect the fans will get more than their moneys worth from our fight alone.

I am pumped for our fight.

You always been cool by me, I know you foguht some cans but shit most people have!

Heal up man, train hard as I know you will and Ill see you in March.


Good idea.

Eric vs Reggie as a dark match

Elbe vs TBA for the main event

Upon dispatching of TBA, Elbe will wait for the Eric-Reggie winner to win a few fights thereafter, thus nearly earning a chance at Elbe

...Elbe couldnt sell 5 tickets to that show ... and the $300 he would make would barely pay his gas money ....Main Event????

A simple main event is a severe insult to Elbe. IF and only if the event is a 100% sellout, 5 lucky fans drawn out of a random selection process, will be privileged to see Elbe tear up TBA as he sees fit. Every other attendee will be cleared prior to the skill extravaganza.

Best thread eva today.

The wonderful thing about we get to fight~

out of apples 7 wins..only 1 has a winning record~ Danny.

Apple...if you want to run your mouth about me...

then we can fight~

I'd love for you to put your belt on the run your mouth about let's fight.

I will take the fight for free...NO MONEY TO SHOW..AND NO MONEY TO WIN.

Just put the belt on the line..

unlike danny..your power bomb wont do anything to me...but cause me to break your arm

...Elbe couldn't sale 5 tixs to that show...

I am now living in California..and can assure you that I will sale a minimum of 100 tixs to this show.

"Apple...if you want to run your mouth about me...

then we can fight~"

LOL@the irony

ttt for Arizona Can Mafia