Erik Apple the oil checker...


Feb 24th Apple...

I have a show in Colorado that will have

Ray Elbe Vs. Erik Apple...

your purse will be 2,000 to show..2,000 to win...

we can weigh in either at 170lbs, or 185lbs..I'll lte you chose...

You have asked to fight me heard this through mutual friends

Take the fight~ all your O.C. friends think it will be another win.

Go away, you persistent little leach.

LOL, im not the one doing the talking. You are. Im still being nice on this thread.

Didnt this guy lose to shannon ritch?

I think Ray and Apple should fight at the Dairy Queen in Irvine.

OMA, make it happen!

The fight should be at Good in Echo Park. Best food in E P. imo

I think "ELBE" should go STFU!!!

Ray Elbe lost to Shannon Ritch via heelhook ...

Wow !!! and hes on here hypin himself up by talkin shit about rippin somebodys arm off ??? That takes an ungodly amount of nerve ...

Big Fn Troll..

elbe shut up you freak

lol shannon the cannon tooled elbe. what?

"I think "ELBE" should go STU!!! "

go stu? what does that mean?

Stu Ungar. Greatest poker player to ever live. Recognize.

Excellent reference, Mr. Guymon

Sorry I ate alot of sugar! I intented to say " Shut The Fuck Up". Elbe that is.


Erik Apple's a fucking dick...I've asked him a couple times whether Marco Ruas is accepting new students or not and he's never answered me. Fuck Erik and fuck RVT

LOL great thread

why can't we all just get along?

when i go out to cali. this summer i'm gonna tap both these fools out.

you know!

Dont tell Apple you are a Jew!

LOL, I already know he is a Jew. And Marco only teaches privates. If you are into that,I can set it up