Erik Charles vs. Lyman Good

I just wanted to clear up the confusion about how I got injured in my
fight last night against Lyman Good.

It was reported that Good injured me with his "Muay Thai style leg
kicks". This is incorrect. About half way through the first round I
kicked Lyman in the elbow and broke my foot. Although it hurt like a
bitch, I continued the fight and to press the action. In between rounds
1 and 2 the Dr at ringside examined my foot and would not let me

All due respect to Lyman but the couple leg kicks he got me with never
hurt me.

Erik "Chainsaw" Charles

i would add that it appeared that you wanted to continue, and didn't like the doctor stopping it.

that was the sickest lump i have ever seen!!!

post a pic Erik


I talked to Zack from and he said he got some
good pix of the foot. Stay tuned.

there's a pic of your foot on FCF. and i heard lyman broke your foot using his chi.

Sucks to hear that bro...

You'll be back stronger for damn sure...

No idea why the Dr. stopped it. I mean dubya tee eff?
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dubya tee eff? = WTF

LOL...I was like, what the hell does that say...

That friggin lump looks crazy, dude.

Who would you say won that round?

"Who would you say won that round?"

Lyman's elbow.

dude i would've ko'd the doctor if he stopped the fight. that lump adds about 10 lbs to your foot. if you would've high kicked him its would be equivalent to a mirko high kick.

Jesus. TTT for you willing to fight on that nasty shit, and the doctor needing to stop it. Mad heart!

Erik won the round easy. He was the agressor and moved forward the whole first round and landed more strikes on a bumb foot. That's what made the stoppage worse, because he was dominating. Erik wanted to continue the fight, but the doctor wouldn't let him.

Erik was definitely moving towards Lyman but what did he hit Lyman with besides the high kick that was blocked? It seems as though Lymans strategy was to stick and move since Erik had a huge height and reach advantage. Lyman connected on multiple low kicks and even though Erik said they did not hurt they had to count for the judges.

The round was close but I thought Lyman was out pointing Chainsaw, no one dominated it was still very much anybodies fight. It was incredible that Erik wanted to continue, guy has the heart of a lion.

I was there last night and saw that you were pissed that they stopped the fight. Get well soon.

By the way, you fought Good last night. Get it? Okay, sorry - I think I'm still drunk from last night. :)

Ha. Nice. I think I'm going to try and be drunk til this sucker heals.

But seriously, I thought you did well, man. Yeah, Good landed some crisp leg kicks but you kept him at bay with your frustrating jab. Especially when he tried to bullrush forward at you with those straight-blasts. Props to you (and him).