Anyone ever hear of this guy? There is an awesome article in this months MensHealth about him and a system he teaches.
He currently lives in Brazil and works with a lot of jiujitsu guys. Really cool stuff, similar to Ginastica Naturale im guessing, but very nice method nonetheless.
Its all about natural movements and survival instincts. Getting around whatever object comes next. Seems like it would compliment jiujitsu very well. A lot of climbing trees and sprinting and what not.
Ive never seen anything on him on the site figured id throw it out there. Pick up Aprils menshealth for the story.
Ill link a vid, bluenamers if you will
This video is designed to display the wildest expression of MovNat and to be inspirational. It doesn’t encompass all aspects of natural movement training.
The practice of MovNat is fully scalable and suits any individual regardless of experience, condition or gender.
Rich boy with too much time on his hands.
Last time I checked running around barefoot in my neighborhood leads to glass in your feet and quite possibly snake bite.
And who says shoes are bad for you other than the douchebags trying to sell you on some barefoot training plan.
Like everything else, it's not the end-all, be-all of training. But it looks fun as hell and I'd definitely be interested in doing it. It's like obstacle course running/training.
I don't have a jungle and tons of trees to climb but I've been doing some MOVNAT type stuff at my local beach for a while. It's great workout and a really good way to mix up the monotony of training in the gym or at home. It's a good extra something to add to your routine and I like it because you can be as creative as you want.
Good stuff, imo.
all he needs is a mullet and you have a candidate for the show COPS, some half-nude man running around without shoes one.
the stuff he is showing looks like what every 5 year old does when in the park. save some cash, go to a park and watch kids play on jungle gyms and shadow their movements.
I have read about this type of stuff for two days so I'm now an expert
Pretty cool stuff. going to try it later
That was a neat vid and all, but it sure looked a lot like the shit we all did as kids - climbing trees and rocks, running around, dragging shit so we could get somewhere, sliding down hills, jumping over and ducking under branches in the forest....
The thing about these kinds of vids and looks neat and cool (and most importantly DOABLE) when you've got a camera crew with you. But try doing all that and realized that "OH SHIT - my car keys (b/c I had to get here somehow) just fell out of my pocket" and see what happens. Or do all that crap carrying a backpack with aforementioned cary keys, a water bottle, etc.
Oh, and SCREW jumping into a bunch of gravel w/no shoes on.
Wiggy - workout plans
Also rolling wtih no shirt. I guess I'm a pussy cause I wouldn't do that
He said something relative to being a child in the article in the magazine. That was a point of his, is that we dont do that anymore and were (maybe not everyone on here) but we're all used to well oiled cybex machines and ellipticals and not running around freely anymore.
And yes he does have an obstacle course of sorts where he trains. I started working out on the school playground across the street from my house last summer. Im glad its starting to get nice out again because I enjoyed it. I would jog up there and do some crap on the playground along with some sprints.
The winter kind of put a hold on that. There was a couple of cool vids about playground workouts on youtube ill find them later and post. I guess they were kind of similar to movnat but a kind of suburban remix.
Here is the Men's Health article
I found it very interesting. The author of the article was obviously quite taken with the creator of MOVNAT skills. He paints him with a very mythical veil which I guess isn't too hard to do if you are a crazy athletic French guy teaching a small class of hardcore martial artists/freedivers in a Brazilian jungle. What I found interesting is that they said Georges Herbert's first group of sailors that he trained were tested for physical fitness and ranked with world class decathletes, which is pretty shocking.
To be fair, if you're after the whole generalised fitness thing, then Movnat seems a whole lot more fun and functional than Crossfit.
MovNat, while a fantastic method
Of fitness, is most importantly about a lifestyle, not
Just a workout. Le Corre has taken an entire primal/paleo philosophy and put it into practice via activity,dieting, etc. The most interesting part is the outlook that we are, in fact, living in a zoo(prison) that we have built for
Ourselves. The more we build our giant cage, the more we rely on our technological haven, the more and more we will
Lose sight of the most basic functioning that makes us human beings. Just like lions in the zoo, over generations
Were becoming desensitized and
Weak due to vast over-exposure to convenient and easy living. MovNat is geared toward going back to our roots, re establishing the base primal instincts that we seem to be losing sight of as animals, and as human beings. Ive shared this philosophy since I was old
Enough to make my own thoughts, and was delighted when I saw that I wasn't Alone. Encourage all to try and dabble in this method and realize your originally
Intended, vast human potential.
--as for barefoot running, etc: the human foot is a wonder, not made to stuff into a shoe and
Become nothing but a platform. In order to realize the capability of the engineering wonder that is the human foot, you must embrace the fact that like everything else, it must be conditioned and kept strong.
damion -This video is designed to display the wildest expression of MovNat and to be inspirational. It doesn't encompass all aspects of natural movement training.
The practice of MovNat is fully scalable and suits any individual regardless of experience, condition or gender.
damion, do you train Movnat? I'm going to do a seminar soon with one of Lecorres students and am interested in hearing about what experiences people have had with this system. (anyone who has experience, I would be interested in hearing from)
Jrv, where? Might try to make Miami.
Hi Vegard, I'll be going to the one in Philly. My buddy went to one in NYC last year and was raving about it so I've been pretty curious to try it out for myself
thanks, jrv.
No problemo, I signed up for the Philly one yesterday. Its at the end of April, but I'll try to post a review on here afterwards.