Has anyone ever heard of this guy? I think he is opening a HUGE school on Long Island. He is an "undefeated prison fighter"
whats u Gregg ? or should I say Mr Blackbelt ( well deserved ) LMAO @ undefeated prison record Hes 0-0-0 in MMA 1000-0 in bragging Until he competes all his prison stuff means nada
Whats up Daren? Everything is great with me, hope all is well my man!
He calls MMA "underground fighting", is known as "War Dog" even though he doesn't show up on Sherdog or MMA.tv's records, and has been signed to "what may be the most lucrative contract in MMA history"?
He basically conned some sucker into putting money up for a school? That place is fucking MASSIVE.
is he related to the Darrow wrestling familly out east ?
LMFAO!!! "An imposter has stolen Christian's name on Facebook"
Here he is challenging Jamie Varner....Darrow's profile says he's 240#s...
"At the VIP pre fight for the MMA EXPO at the Uniondale Marriott, W.E.C Champ Jamie Varner was overheard...in between drinks...questioning Christian Darrow's ability to make a certain weight class. Christian actually made it all the way down to your's Jamie... So what's really good? "
Here he is working the speed bag.
some funny videos
Jamie Varner say it ain't so!!
Jamie must be scared!!
I guess this isn't much worse than a street-certified brawler who used to bet up drunk homeless guys in his backyard.
Mister Bri - I guess this isn't much worse than a street-certified brawler who used to bet up drunk homeless guys in his backyard.Well this guy is teaching...
i dont know what prison he was at, but if you fight too much, you get dead or stuffed in solitary. also depending on where he was housed, some of the prisons have boxing teams. he was probably too good for them, and they were scared to have him kill someone in the ring.
i bet if you looked this dude up, he probably never even served time
I worked at a prison and never saw one fight. A lot of thrown feces and a guy stabbed with a typewriter rod but no fights.