Faber was damn impressive!

Very technical and exciting grappling and a nice finish by the California Kid.

the slams were great on both sides

Super exciting fight.

Yeah, he was very good in that fight.

Good fight but let's see him face some better competition. Rematch with Griffin, or maybe a fight with Frankie Edgar or Yamamoto.

the whole event was impressive

Griffin will not go back to 145 and Faber won't go up to 155.

great wrestling exchanges and comeback win

Damn good fight.

I don't know anything about wrestling so...

Is Faber technical or is he just using a lot of crazy athletic moves that he can get away with because he's a good wrestler?


He's pretty technical and has a damn good size to strength ratio.

Faber is a beast wow really impressive


chance farrar showed he belonged, faber showed why he's the champ. farrar was winning the round when faber took his back.

wasn't impressed at all.

"Griffin will not go back to 145 and Faber won't go up to 155. "

Faber wouldn't even fight him at a comprimised weight of 150. everything has to be catered to him. punk.

i was MUCH more impressed with chance in this fight.

that spin kick of Fabers whatever the fuck it was where he fell on his ass was also painful to watch, but I'll give him credit that he had the balls to try and pull it off as the majority of boring ass wrestlers never would.

get Menjivar back to whoop the fuck out of this division, and lets call it a day. Bring Fabiano over from the IFL to teach these clowns a thing or two as well.

"that spin kick of Fabers"

I missed that one.

"Faber wouldn't even fight him at a comprimised weight of 150. everything has to be catered to him. punk. "

lol, yeah what a douche for fighting guys in his own weight class