Falafel healthy?

I just saw it at my college convenience store and I wanted to know everybody's opinion on it. It is made out of chickpea's, garlic, and other veggies and is fried in vegetable oil. I read that it is really healthy depending on how it's made. It does not have any nutritional info on it and comes from a company called Asmar's Mediterranean Food.

Define healthy? I assume its coming out a packet so i doubt it... but if its the best you can do & it fits in with your calories/macros theres worse choices.

It comes in a plastic container and the company that makes it is a small and local one. By healthy I mean is it likely to cause fat gain and does it provide any essential nutrients. Right now I eat mostly paleo with the exception of some whole grains such as oats/brown rice and a few other foods such as organic dried fruit, hummus, and natural nut butters. All the ingredients seem healthy such as chick peas and parsley. But I am not sure if vegetable oil is considered an "healthy" oil to fry it in and most articles say that and wether you have pita bread is what ussually makes the difference.

if you want your answer look at the bodies of typical old Lebanese dudes ... NOT healthy


wow quite possibly the beginning of one of the dumbest threads ever

falafel is very good for you eat it and be happy

Atecexa - wow quite possibly the beginning of one of the dumbest threads ever

falafel is very good for you eat it and be happy

Actually I found the answer using the google machine. The ingredients may be healthy but it is deep fried so it is should be treated as an occasional treat just like any other junk food rather than an weekly thing.