Fedor can take his 2.5 and shove it up his ass.

HandyDarsh - I feel like Fedor rolled the dice with the best his entire career, I mean the first guy to really defeat him is the champ...
If anything he earned the right to do whatever the fuck he wants.
Why raise your earning potential to the millions only to take a small portion of that fighting elsewhere? That's pretty much every fighters dream isn't it? To make their name worth that much? Phone Post 3.0

"I mean the first guy to really defeat him is the champ"

Bing, bing, bing, bing!

truth !

Fedor is the one doing the right thing keeping his dignity, its time for the top fighters to take it back. Tables turn.

I'm glad he chose not to fight in the ufc. The ufc has some bullshit monopoly going with under paid cookie cutter fighters and a watered down product, yet sky high ppv prices, so Dana can sit back and get rich as fuck. all you tards need to wake the fuck up

Fedor consistently fought in the toughest heavyweight divisions throughout his career. He fought in prise when they had the best. He fought in affliction when they had the best and he fought in strikeforce when they had the best. It was only until now when hes nearly 40, coming out of retirement, and has clearly lost a step that he hasnt fought in the best hw division. Anyone wanna disagree with that? Phone Post 3.0

Pride* Phone Post 3.0

orcus - 
Jack_Bauer - 
Dom Hemingway - I was there in 2005 to watch Mirko / Fedor, I'll never forget it. But as a huge Fedya supporter and forever a PRIDE die hard, Fedor fighting anywhere but the UFC is clown sauce. And you can't deny it. What a joke. Phone Post 3.0

I agree. He could have had a GUARANTEED $5,000 in sponsorship money with the UFC, why the fuck would he sign for $2.5 million elsewhere. What an idiot!

Why would you compare sponsorship money with fight money?

Because we don't know what the UFC offered him.

You can add $500,000 to show if it makes you feel better. The point still stands.

Affliction Boy - 
pistolpete86 - Lets just be grateful we get to see him fight again, in any setting. Phone Post 3.0

I guess I don't understand this. I like to watch fights that are competitive where I am not sure what is going to happen. I am not grateful to see Fedor come back to fight some guys that he will probably have little trouble in defeating.

Good for him that he is going to make some money. At this stage in MMA he is the greatest of all time but he is not the greatest at this time.

I shouldn't be mad that he is isn't in the UFC because I assume he would get murdered by JDS, Cain, Miocic, and Werdum but at the same time, because I am a big fan of his, I like to think that maybe he is fired up and could show the Fedor of old and pull off some huge wins. I think that is the disappointment for many fans.

Many keyboard experts will say that Fedor is the best heavyweight on the planet among active fighters today because of what he did between 2003-2009. A fucking impressive run regardless of the cans that were sporadically placed in his schedule. Others, like myself, will say that he has not proven that he can compete with top tier competition since he faced Arlovski in January of 2009. That is the crux of the issue. We will never know. Unless he gets starched by some no name, then we will have a definitive answer.

Should the UFC have offered him millions per fight and spent millions in marketing to turn him into a mainstream name in the USA knowing full well he would jump ship ASAP for another organization as soon as he could? I wouldn't have recommended it, but god damn I would have loved to have seen him step across the octagon from Junior and see if the Fedor of old would show up to pull off another insane victory.

I definitely get what you mean.

But Fedor has always been about money. He's like Floyd Mayweather except when he gets out there, he actually entertains. I understand why he won't sign with the UFC, and also why it's not worth it for them to shell out the money they would need to to sign him.

But to me, his fights are always entertaining. It doesn't really matter who he is fighting. It is more of a testament to the way he fights than simply some fan boy attitude. He always go for the finish and fights his heart out.

I do hope as well that it isn't some embarrassing match up that is a total disappointment. I would like to see them put someone in there who can actually give him a good fight. Because ultimately that is what I want to see as well.

But just because he isn't in the UFC, doesn't mean we won't get that. Entertainment.

Why would any man travel further to work harder for less money?

Fucking twats. Phone Post 3.0

"He fought in affliction when they had the best"

Sylvia, Arlovski, and Barnett were the best HW division?

" and he fought in strikeforce when they had the best"

Arlovski whom he'd just beaten, Rogers, OVereem whom he and his management didn't want to fight, and possibly Bigfoot were the only heavies signed to SF at the time Fedor signed with them.

Jack_Bauer - 
orcus - 
Jack_Bauer - 
Dom Hemingway - I was there in 2005 to watch Mirko / Fedor, I'll never forget it. But as a huge Fedya supporter and forever a PRIDE die hard, Fedor fighting anywhere but the UFC is clown sauce. And you can't deny it. What a joke. Phone Post 3.0

I agree. He could have had a GUARANTEED $5,000 in sponsorship money with the UFC, why the fuck would he sign for $2.5 million elsewhere. What an idiot!

Why would you compare sponsorship money with fight money?

Because we don't know what the UFC offered him.

You can add $500,000 to show if it makes you feel better. The point still stands.

There is no point without knowing what the UFC offer was.

FingerorMoon - A near 40yr old athlete that was already past his prime and retired is looking to make a last dump of cash to last him the rest of his life.

He doesn't owe you shit.

At the end of the day, the guy provided us with more entertaining fights than most ever will. I have no problem with him wanting to go out with some cash in his pockets, and easier competition given his age.

Dom Hemingway - I was there in 2005 to watch Mirko / Fedor, I'll never forget it. But as a huge Fedya supporter and forever a PRIDE die hard, Fedor fighting anywhere but the UFC is clown sauce. And you can't deny it. What a joke. Phone Post 3.0

If someone offers you 2.5 million for a fight, you would pass it because you rather go to UFC for foodstamps.

What Fedor is getting is what Diaz thought he deserved. Only fight for a huge payday. Difference is that Fedor already put the work in to warrant a payday. Diaz wanted to skip to the end of a legendary career and have it given to him. Phone Post 3.0