Fedor IS NOT retired, and WILL NOT retire

Someone else feel free to expound on that. g'nite

 I was at the press conference and that surprised me to hear that SF believes he will finish out the remaining fights on his contract. And that he could re-enter the tournament as an alternate even though they have alternates lined up.

Not 100 % at all if he is or not . Recently I watched boxing Super Six and Arthur Abraham after a 120-108 ( 0-12 rounds ) blowout loss claimed he was done with the tournament even tho with the loss he still advanced . Well , after he got over the loss I have seen him fight yesterday and he is getting ready for the tournament bout . The guy was like 30-0 as well and now was coming off 2 losses in a row . Different type of person but still I wouldnt count out Fedor just yet , he might give it a go . Maybe against Werdum if Reem beats him ?

fedor isn't old, he's still capable of making another run to the top.

He will fight again let him deal with the loss for a moment and he will be back at it again.........

205 or bring in top wrestlers and bjj guys. He should also tighten up his striking. Phone Post

 Doesn't matter. He's suspended indefinatly.

I bet his face is broken, orbital, cheekbone, something. It could be more than a year if and when he comes back.

Nothing unusual about that tho :)

He's 34, which is old for a speed based fighter. Ask Ali and Roy Jones Jr. Hopefully he'll retire, instead of losing to increasingly weaker fighters like they did, and ending up like Ali.

He was a great, dominant champion, but he's never going to regain his reflexes and speed - time beats everyone.

 I love Fedor as a fighter but his time is over......he isn´t the same guy like 5 years ago.....

georgejonesjr - He's 34, which is old for a speed based fighter. Ask Ali and Roy Jones Jr. Hopefully he'll retire, instead of losing to increasingly weaker fighters like they did, and ending up like Ali.

He was a great, dominant champion, but he's never going to regain his reflexes and speed - time beats everyone.

Exactly. Tyson is another good one to add to the list.

MrHenson -  it aint over til the fat lady sings

wait til bigfoots sample comes back hot and its ruled a NC

Overeem agrees with me "100%" - Fedor will not retire.


 Nope. He'll fight in Japan. M1 has him at gunpoint right now.

he didn't look that bad, he won the first round but got controlled and beat up on the ground by a guy twice the size of him. If he wants to get back on top hes going to have to switch to Jacksons or a place like that where he can train with top guys consistently. Phone Post

I don't believe Fedor's retiring, he just lost a tough fight easy to say it then.  I am sure he'll talk it over with his team or M-1 and make the right call. 

If he doesn't retire, I just hope he starts training with a camp that can really push him. I mean who is he training with now that could come close to emulating Bigfoot, Overeem or Werdum? Such a huge disadvantage. Sadly, he seems like the type of fighter who is just stuck in his ways.

Strikeforce CEO Scott Coker and close friend and longtime manager Vadim Finkelstein don't think he's done.


Attila - Strikeforce CEO Scott Coker and close friend and longtime manager Vadim Finkelstein don't think he's done.

I think they're hoping Fedor doesn't retire.

The Swinging Richard - 
Attila - Strikeforce CEO Scott Coker and close friend and longtime manager Vadim Finkelstein don't think he's done.

I think they're hoping Fedor doesn't retire.

No, actually they were crystal clear in expressing that they don't think he will retire.

For him to retire is asinine on his part imo. 2 loses in a row and you wanna give it up..... Thats crazy........