Fedor is why I love MMA . Rogers is why i hate MMA

bulletmagnet - 
Leghound - 
bulletmagnet - 
Rogers was a SEARS tire changer a year ago(I SHIT YOU NOT). How gay is that? He is a 6'5 big goon who throws flailing arms, but if he connects, he can get lucky just on the fact he is so big. He has no martial art, no budo, nothing you want from a martial artist. He is your modern "I trane UFC." He is everything wrong with MMA.

So it's not possible for someone to have a blue collar job and train? Do you think Fedor has always just done martial arts and never had a real job?

Read all the other posts before you post here again.

This one will be a freebie:

As explained earlier, its not the fact that they havent had a real job, what his job is etc.

The fact is, he's an average joe.

He hasn't been training his whole life. Just a brawler with little to no technique straight off the street.

why is he able to fight to best in the world?

because skill level and depth of MMA HW is weak.

Can't wait for the day that it takes years of training to even think about entering the big show.

Bye kkm

technically your still a KKM
your a fucktard trying too hard to fit in!

is your next thread going to be about Carwins day job? idiot

^ Dana waaasss trying to get him to quit... jus sayin..

you guys are just a bunch of arrogant americans always trying to back their ghetto boy. Fedor is full of class, doesnt talk shit and will let his walk do his talk like a real martial artist. This hoodlum shit has gone too far.

Edited to add: I forgot how ridiculous rogers hair is too. That's ANOTHER reason why he is everything wrong with MMA. GO BACK TO TUF FORUM YOU NOOBS.

Who else wants to get owned?

bulletmagnet - Fedor is why I love MMA. He actually has a Martial Art and doesnt just trane UFC. He is a sambo guy who has beaten every martial art expert from jiu jitsu to wrestling to judo. He's humble and has a mysterious side to him. Everything about him speaks budo. He has been training his whole life and is a born fighter from a family of fighters. For gods sake, he trains in a fucking secluded town in Russia. How bad ass is that?

Rogers was a SEARS tire changer a year ago(I SHIT YOU NOT). How gay is that? He is a 6'5 big goon with a fucked up hair do who throws flailing arms, but if he connects, he can get lucky just on the fact he is so big. He has no martial art, no budo, nothing you want from a martial artist. He is your modern "I trane UFC." He is everything wrong with MMA.

Put it this way. If you wanted your child to go train at a gym to learn a martial art, would you rather have him training UFC with Rogers or with a true martial artist like Fedor?Fedor will absolutely demolish Rogers, and if he doesn't.. I quit watching MMA.

this whole rant makes me surprised you like MMA. the reason why i, and many other people like MMA, is because there are so many ways win, or lose. there's an amount of unpredicatbility in every match, regardless of the odds (Serra v GSP?).

i've never seen Rogers fight, but KO'ing AA is no small feat. and i have no problem with him pursuing his dream, and fighting the legendary Fedor.

personally, i like to see the more technical fighter win, but due to the increase in popularilty, we're simply gonna to see a higher level of athelete competing in MMA now.

if MMA loses you as a fan, i don't think anyone's gonna mind.

When Al Sharpton hears about this thread, heads will roll.

bulletmagnet - Fedor is why I love MMA. He actually has a Martial Art and doesnt just trane UFC.


rogers by KO

 the OP is a faggot hater... I hope Fedor loses so he'll stop watching MMA and fuck off forever


 you = the troll


bulletmagnet - Fedor will absolutely demolish Rogers, and if he doesn't.. I quit watching MMA.

 Oh please don't do that!! I doubt they will continue to air new fights if you were to suddenly stop watching.

MushroomHead - I like how this Bullet guy has been making an effort to respond to everyone, but conveniently missed the post about George Foreman.

George foreman has hands. Rogers has no skill and a goofy ass hair cut. He shouldnt even be in the same event as Fedor. Get real. LOL @ comparing foreman to rogers. I didnt respond because it was so absurd. Quit trolling me.

David@AccutestMi - 
bulletmagnet - Fedor will absolutely demolish Rogers, and if he doesn't.. I quit watching MMA.

 Oh please don't do that!! I doubt they will continue to air new fights if you were to suddenly stop watching.

Glad you found the sport, you sound like an educated viewer. Did TUF 10 win you over? Or let me guess, you were watching football, saw Fedor on CBS and googled it. Okay noob.

PS. all the closet gays need to quit sending me PMs asking for War Machine's porno. Go find it yourself.

I think it's crazy to hate a guy like Rogers. It's fair competition no matter ow you cut it. That's what's beautiful about fighting. The reality is, there aren't that many guys who are that big and also athletically capable, so in the HW division you are going to have that kind of range of skills as well as size. It's the nature of the division. There are some huge guys out there who can hit real hard, and they have a fiar shot at smaller guys in the division with greater skills. You don't see anything like that in the lower weight divisions because a)there are A LOT more smaller people out there who are atheltically capable, so the average skill level and degree of competition is much higher, and b) there are much tighter limits on the weights in the division.

If you can't enjoy each division for what it has to offer, you're a dumbass.

sadic1 - I think it's crazy to hate a guy like Rogers. It's fair competition no matter ow you cut it. That's what's beautiful about fighting. The reality is, there aren't that many guys who are that big and also athletically capable, so in the HW division you are going to have that kind of range of skills as well as size. It's the nature of the division. There are some huge guys out there who can hit real hard, and they have a fiar shot at smaller guys in the division with greater skills. You don't see anything like that in the lower weight divisions because a)there are A LOT more smaller people out there who are atheltically capable, so the average skill level and degree of competition is much higher, and b) there are much tighter limits on the weights in the division.

If you can't enjoy each division for what it has to offer, you're a dumbass.

Fair enough but you could leave that last little sentence out of your post. I'd appreciate it.

Forgot to add...

(didnt want to edit because it would fuck up all the formatting..)

LOL@there arent that many guys who are that big and also athletically capable.

Have you not seen WWE? Have you not seen the NFL?? Trust me dude. There are guys out there that have not been tapped into. Now its just a matter of getting life long MMA fighters, martial artists who start from a young age and have serious skills.

Personally I dont like seeing a bar room brawl. Fedor is a LHW fighting at HW. Just imagine how dominate he would be in LHW.

Anyway, Fedor takes this. Good day.

The size and athleticism of people in the WWE and NFL represent an incredibly small percentage of the general population. That's one of the reasons they command so much money. And even at that, "purists" complain about guys like Brock Lesnar crossing over. The bottom line is that if you have the potential to play in the NFL, you'd be an idiot to fight MMA instead because you are going to make better money in the NFL, get a free college degree on the way there to boot, and when you're done, you're still not too old to fight MMA anyway. There will be more and more crossing over, but what if those guys aren't "lifelong martial artists"? Are you going to be against them, too? You have to face the fact that there are a LOT more small people than big people in the world, and on top of that, martial arts are especially attractive to small people because they help to equalize size differences via technique and weight classes.

To the OP

I get what you are saying, but bagging on someone because they worked at Sears, and then calling it gay, reeks of juvenile ignorance...

bulletmagnet - Forgot to add...

(didnt want to edit because it would fuck up all the formatting..)

LOL@there arent that many guys who are that big and also athletically capable.

Have you not seen WWE? Have you not seen the NFL?? Trust me dude. There are guys out there that have not been tapped into. Now its just a matter of getting life long MMA fighters, martial artists who start from a young age and have serious skills.

Personally I dont like seeing a bar room brawl. Fedor is a LHW fighting at HW. Just imagine how dominate he would be in LHW.

Anyway, Fedor takes this. Good day.

I've said many times Fedor is so good at HW because he is quicker then the majority, if not all, of his opponents. There are more threats for him at LHW. He would still be good, but not as dominant. You are making the classic mistake of, bigger=better.

I've not seen Rogers on the ground, highly doubt he has enough of a ground game to remotely come close to hanging with Fedor. That said, he's nothing but Houston Alexander about to get a lesson in what it means to NOT be "well rounded".