sweet vid, vtfu

Very cool on both of their parts to do this. A lot of respect shown by both men. It really looks like they had a blast doing it.

Mc6pack - lol, good exhibition.. although i think what it exhibited most is that weight differnce matters BIG TIME.

Yes, only weight matters; which is why Fedor has loses to everyone who has outweighed him, like Arlovski, Sylvia, Big Nog, Ogawa, Zulu, Schilt, Herring, Hunt, Choi, and all the other guys who outweighed him.... cause weight difference matters "BIG TIME".

Oh wait.....

Hilarious! I love the seoi nagi? that Fedor pulled off at 3 mins. Also Aokis face when Fedor had him up in the air. I LOL'd

 It was fun to watch but I assume this was mostly coreographed?  I know an exhibition match doesn't necessarily mean this, but it looks like they both flowed with the throws to make it more exciting.

TSGIGOR = my favorite poster

 not that cool. they were taking turns demonstrating on eachother

Wish it was longer than 5 mins, it was entertaining though.

The FRS was awesome (Fedor Rape Smile)

haven't watched this yet (trying to load it now) but i want to thank you for linking this... i didn't think it was actually going to happen (i've been away from civilization for basically the last 7 months or so)....off and on... no tv here

looking forward to seeing how this goes down... thanks man!


Voted up.

ttt for later, thanks TSGIGOR, you are definitely an asset to the underground.


finally !

ranier wolfcastle -  not that cool. they were taking turns demonstrating on eachother

 true, I think that is really what it was all about.  They never claimed it would be a full out grappling match. 

 Thank You! :))

ranier wolfcastle -  not that cool. they were taking turns demonstrating on eachother

It was billed as an exhibition match.

Not a real grappling match or under Abuh Dhabi rules or
BJJ rules or Judo ippon rules.

Awesome, thanks!

Cool exhibition

great vid