Nice...Though thats exactly why there are weight classes...


awesome... imagine going into your next bjj class with that pimpin' red Fedor gi... I gurantee you there's a rich 2nd week white belt out there giddy with the idea of sportin' that to his next class...

running to buy red fedor gi

yeah that's a Sambo kurtka. You can tell by the extended shoulder grips. Sambo kurtkas also have a belt loop which BJJ/Judo gi's do not.

Kickass - thanks for sharing

Once again, TSGIGOR cements his spot as my favorite UG poster... looks like they both had a lot of fun, nice to finally see the video. Thanks.

gooooood sheeeet!

Stoatbert - Crazy that Fedor was able to manhandle Aoki, considering Aoki's massive bulk.

Sylvia did say he has never been hit so hard before. And Arlvoski was completely out of it when Fedor KO'd him.

Fedor tends to tool submission specialist with his superior ground game.

hubris - Fedor moves like a lightweight

Or Aoki moves like a heavyweight.

they looked like they had a ball! good for them and japan. awesome show of class and respect. that second throw by fedor made my head spin. this is one of the reasons (besides sambo) that fedor will never fight in the ufc. dana is a jerk and would never have allowed this.


Thanks for posting the video I've been waiting to watch that. Nice technique from both and nice to see Fedor not knocking him unconcious

Jesus I'm surprised that first huge throw by Fedor didn't kill Aoki. Imagine getting rag dolled like that at that speed with Fedor's bulk coming down on you.




Great fun, thanks TSGIGOR. Looked like a rough-and-tumble sparring match in training, which is exactly what I'd expect from an exhibition. I don't think it was choreographed per se, they were just going with the flow more than they would - it's not like Aoki would really be able to pick up Fedor if he was resisting.

Best technique of the match had to be that second throw by Fedor. Sublime.

