Fedor wants to be a trainer; what's he going to teach?

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Tyson was very technical and disciplined at his peak. He understands boxing and is a historian.

OP is just throwing out insults to be a douche.


Some of the best coaches/ trainers were not necessarily the best players/fighters. I mean, Tony LaRussa was a career .199 hitter and played very little. But was one of the best managers of all time. Freddie Roach never had anything on Fedor’s accomplishments in comparison, yet is one of the greatest trainers of all time. Freddie had 13 losses and retired at 26.


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I think you’re missing the point.

OP is using this thread topic as a not-so-subtle way to insult Fedor.
He’s straight up saying Fedor wasn’t technical, which is obviously wrong.

Everyone knows not all great fighters make great trainers and vice versa. It’s common knowledge.
That’s not OP’s goal here…

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It’s obvious he was trashing Fedor. I was making a point myself.

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That’s for pointing that out though. I’m glad you filled me in there.

I am straight up saying that and I will stand by it.

Fedor was super fast and explosive. That masked a lot of his flaws.

@anon9395084 posted this thread a few days ago: Fedor and Aleks at combat sambo tournament in Dagestan in 2004

You can see the guy moved like lightening. But his technique is subpar. He was always a decent grappler but a sloppy striker. What always saved him was his physical characteristics. Speed, explosiveness. Coupled with his super fast transitions between striking and grappling.

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He can teach how training is useless, winning and losing is simply just a matter or God’s will.

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I also posted this Fedor training with Sergei

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I don’t think it’s possible to get third in Russia in judo if your technique is subpar. The level of competition is extremely high.

We’re talking MMA, right? I don’t know what his Judo technique is like.


So judo isnt effective in MMA or a real scenario now?

Watch someone get tossed onto a hard surface and then tell me it isnt; the fight would be over lol.

In your OP you’re saying he is a generalist who’s not technical in any one discipline. I’m saying he must be technical in Judo to have had that level of success.

Is that the mentor youre getting your MMA knowledge from?

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He was great in the 90s. Legend of the 90’s action movies.

Lol hes a turd burglar.

Show me some of his Judo moves please. I’m sure his technique is good but where is on a world class ranking in Judo?