Fedor wants Werdum rematch, what should he change?

If Fedor gets his wish for an immediate title shot against werdum what do you guys think he should change in terms of preparation and strategy to win th rematch?

In my opinion he should do the following:

1. Concentrate on regaining the strength and explosion he had earlier in his career. This means powerlifting and functional strength exercises for wrestling/grappling. He was able to power out of a lot of submissions against Nogueira earlier in his career in large part due to his strength and explosiveness.

2. Train in a cage. He refused to train in a cage throughout his career and against Werdum it cost him. He escaped the first triangle attempt against werdum then bumped into the cage catching him off guard and causing him to fall right back into the second triangle. He needs to get that feel and awareness of fighting in the cage which has some considerable differences compared to the ring.

3. Train with a big Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt with world class skill similar to Werdum's. He spent the last few years of his career training with low level fighters from his hometown who were either smaller and/or les athletic than him and had nowhere near the skill level of a Werdum. He needs to bring in someone the likes of Jon Olav Einemo or Pe de pano, guys who are world class black belts and have size and strength similar to Werdum.

I love him but werdum takes it no matter what Phone Post 3.0

Hit him, knock him down and  make him stand up.

Same thing just don't go into his guard Phone Post 3.0

SensoriaUtopia - Best strategy against Werdum would be how he fought Rizzo and Monson his last few fights, stayed out of clinch range, peppered them with a lot of leg kicks, and came in for the occassional flurry, but did not fight wild and reckless like he did against Rogers and BigFoot and Hendo,

People need to watch the 3 fights Fedor won after his 3 losses, granted they where not top 10 ranked guys at the time, but they are still solid guys and he fought smart and was crisp.

Agreed, strategy wise this should how he fights this time. It's also the way he fought Nogueira in their third and final fight. Power strikes, stick and move, quick transitions into throws from the clinch while avoiding going to the ground with him.

However he also needs to be prepared to go the ground in case Werdum catches a takedown or pulls guard. He needs to be prepared for the worst he can't just rely on avoiding the ground which is why he also must concentrate on preparing to grapple with werdum and for that he should change some things in his training similar to what I suggested in my original post.

Dead President - I love him but werdum takes it no matter what Phone Post 3.0

I disagree. I think Fedor has a better chance of winning the rematch than Werdum does, it's just a matter of Fedor changing some things in his preparation and strategy for this fight compared to the first.

What should he change? No doubt his age. Take plenty plenty of peds, as much as he can get.

hitman8 -
Dead President - I love him but werdum takes it no matter what Phone Post 3.0

I disagree. I think Fedor has a better chance of winning the rematch than Werdum does, it's just a matter of Fedor changing some things in his preparation and strategy for this fight compared to the first.

From your mouth to god's ears Phone Post 3.0

SensoriaUtopia - Best strategy against Werdum would be how he fought Rizzo and Monson his last few fights, stayed out of clinch range, peppered them with a lot of leg kicks, and came in for the occassional flurry, but did not fight wild and reckless like he did against Rogers and BigFoot and Hendo,

People need to watch the 3 fights Fedor won after his 3 losses, granted they where not top 10 ranked guys at the time, but they are still solid guys and he fought smart and was crisp.

The problem is Werdum has been training non-stop with Cordeiro for the last several years, I don't think he is going to be flummoxed by some leg kicks.

I don't know about you guys but I want yo see TRT pouring out of his eyes Fedor fight him in Brazil ala TRT Vitor.,. Phone Post 3.0

To see Phone Post 3.0

Phone Post 3.0

You don't have to be Bang to know the one thing Fedor needs to change in order to be champion...

...drop Vadummy.

Dead President - I love him but werdum takes it no matter what Phone Post 3.0

Excellent analyses.

Malvert the Janitor - Same thing just don't go into his guard Phone Post 3.0
That would have worked then but FW is much improved with the stand up since then. He can stand with Fedor or go to the ground. Tough seeing him win this fight. Phone Post 3.0

Werdum has evolved and improved so much, particularly with his striking, that I think it's impossible to know what Fedor has to do differently to win because, essentially, he isn't fighting the same guy. Werdum doesn't have to get his opponent down to the mat to win anymore so really it's going to depend on whether Fedor still has enough speed to dominate the standup and defend the takedowns. Phone Post 3.0

Casual Kiwi - Werdum has evolved and improved so much, particularly with his striking, that I think it's impossible to know what Fedor has to do differently to win because, essentially, he isn't fighting the same guy. Werdum doesn't have to get his opponent down to the mat to win anymore so really it's going to depend on whether Fedor still has enough speed to dominate the standup and defend the takedowns. Phone Post 3.0

Agree with this. Werdums so much better now Fedor has to land a big punch to win.

Change dem draws.


I know I will cause I'll shit myself if Fedor fights and beats Werdum for the belt. Phone Post 3.0

Throwin'Knuckles -
TwentyNineTwentyEight - 

Hit him, knock him down and  make him stand up.

This. Follow Reems example. Never go to the ground with Werdum no matter what!
Werdum will beat the shit out of him on the feet.

Fedor is way out of his league against Werdum anywhere right now. Phone Post 3.0

Fedor still won't even beat bigfoot Silva. Phone Post 3.0