Fighter Ashley Rollo Needs Your Help


Ashley Rollo is a fighter.  She trains and competes in BJJ and MMA, but she is facing her toughest challenge unknown disease that is ravaging her body.  She needs all of us in her corner right now, and her family is raising money for treatment not covered by her insurance.

Please visit this link for more details about Ashely and how to help. Thank you.  A Cure for Ashley Rollow.

Excerpt from Ashley's website:

On September 17th, 2007, Ashley was diagnosed with an unknown blood disease after an accidental trip to the hospital. Ashley has since endured over 4 years of medical interventions, which included over 12 surgeries, that have wrecked havoc on her body. In September 2010 Ashley received chemotherapy with a drug called Rituxamb that made her disease go into remission, but 8 short months later, her disease returned in the summer of 2011 and it came back and worse than ever.

Her PET scan in December 2011 showed that the masses were back and were all over her body. Now, after her most recent trip to Robert Wood Johnson after a thymectomy gone wrong, (a painful surgery that doctors decided to do to see what would happen) there were several complications, and her lungs and heart took a beating and needed several surgeries as well as a 5 week stay in the hospital. She put her hope in her new doctors at Robert wood Johnson- The Cancer Institute of New Jersey, and still has no answers. She has been seen at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, as well as NYU, The Children's hospital of Philadelphia, Long Island College Hospital, Centre State Medical Center, Winthrop University hospital, an North Shore Long Island Jewish Hospital.

No doctor has yet to find out what is wrong with Ashley. She has had dozens of surgeries, bone marrow biopsies, blood transfusions, and has tried a lot of different medications to see if they help. Ashley is in chronic pain all over her body, chronic fatigue, masses growing in different parts of her body, and is getting worse as time goes on. Her current doctors have ran out of treatment ideas, and Ashley is suffering. Prior to 2007, Ashley was a normal 21 year old and in perfect health.

Read the rest here:  Ashley Rollo

Hope she gets what she needs and comes out on top ... Nice to see ya around these parts Garv Phone Post


You see this Mr & Mrs Gurgel? THIS is when it's appropriate to ask for help.

It's disgusting that we don't have a system in place so that poor women like ashley don't have to worry about financial matters in times like these.

My thought's and donations will be going out to the Rollo family.

Best wishes to her and her family, I hope everything turns out alright
maybe those can help Phone Post

See if I had won the big lottery that we just had a cpl weeks ago I would have money put away for when I came across stuff like this. I'd pay it and that would be it!

Wow what a sad story. Keep fighting girl. You're tough!

TTT Phone Post

. Phone Post

Hope she gets the money she needs to obtain these meds. You would think that Big Pharma could afford to save someones life, given the amount of profit those buzzards make everyday.

 Thanks for the TTTs!



twodragunns - Hope she gets the money she needs to obtain these meds. You would think that Big Pharma could afford to save someones life, given the amount of profit those buzzards make everyday.

i can clear up a few things. i work at MD Anderson and can shed some light on "those buzzards". we work with big pharma to get many of our patients to get very expensive chemo drugs for free. it does depend on income and dx but i suspect given her situation, we will be able to get many of the drugs covered for free. the drug companies are generally very generous and have given many patients millions in drug replacement (IV mostly but also some oral).

i am not a fan of big pharm but if the patient meets criteria, we can get them free drugs.

Also, I also have been discussing my academy about having a fundraiser to help her with costs while she is here in houston. If possible, we can have other academies in the houston area step up and help out too.

I am willing to help out and provide direction as well since i know the system better than anyone else.

She would have to reach out to me, since i can't seek her out due to privacy laws...

TTT Phone Post

Horus2001 - 
twodragunns - Hope she gets the money she needs to obtain these meds. You would think that Big Pharma could afford to save someones life, given the amount of profit those buzzards make everyday.

i can clear up a few things. i work at MD Anderson and can shed some light on "those buzzards". we work with big pharma to get many of our patients to get very expensive chemo drugs for free. it does depend on income and dx but i suspect given her situation, we will be able to get many of the drugs covered for free. the drug companies are generally very generous and have given many patients millions in drug replacement (IV mostly but also some oral).

i am not a fan of big pharm but if the patient meets criteria, we can get them free drugs.

Also, I also have been discussing my academy about having a fundraiser to help her with costs while she is here in houston. If possible, we can have other academies in the houston area step up and help out too.

I am willing to help out and provide direction as well since i know the system better than anyone else.

She would have to reach out to me, since i can't seek her out due to privacy laws...

 Horus, thanks. Sending this to a close friend of hers.


Horus2001 ...Thanks for the info. Ashley is a friend of mine and Garv forwarded this along to me. Ashley would love to chat further with you. She asked me to get you her email address. So here ya go:

I also want to say thanks to all of you for the kind words. Ashley's as tough as they come and hopefully this trip to TX will be a beneficial one for her. I'm blown away by the tremendous amount of support she has received in a short amount of time.

Again...thank you ALL.