Fighters that call out top fighters = scrubs

am i the only one who thinks it is a chicken shit thing to do?
if a fighter gains success thru his own labor and luck and you call them out for a fight it just shows that you are jealous of their success and not willing to do your time like them. work your own way to the top. Even if they win no namers are still chumps and haters for calling out the big names. put in the work and if you deserve it you will get it, just wait for your turn.

a few examples:

terrible examples.

I respectfully disagree.

I think a lot of them are just saying what they're being told to say to hype the fight.

So you think GSP was a scrub when he called out Matt Hughes for a title shot? Both times?

Seriously, I think that SOME of the fighters that call out other fighters are trying to gravy train someone else, but IMO the majority are just trying to call out the next level fighter and or keep their own job (fights) going.

Frank Mir is a scrub for calling out Brock Lesnar when he's sick and unable to fight.

i dissagree i think my examples are solid, it all comes down to jealousy.

Hardy sees davis win a bunch of fights and develope a following in his home area, gets jealous of success, call out davis.

also camparing that to fighters asking for a title shot = apples and oranges. the're not calling out the man the're calling out the title imo.

Herring In A Fur Coat -    Would you rather have fighters call out fighters ranked lower than them?

i'd rather see them not calling anybody out at all and work for it and wait your turn like all the guys at the top.

 ive never fought, but i like to call out the top guys. cuz when they dont respond, theyre scared!

ranier wolfcastle -  ive never fought, but i like to call out the top guys. cuz when they dont respond, theyre scared!


 I hate to say it, but I agree with this guy only in the case of Kimbo.

It was hilarious how many HW's popped out of the woodwork to call out Kimbo simply because they knew he was one of the HW's they could actually beat in a main event.

It was kind of a sad to see them diss him for being a YouTube fighter, while attempting to ride on his popularity coattails at the same time.

I don't see anything wrong with Hardy/Davis, Gomi/Fisher, or others like that in the least.

Herring In A Fur Coat -
What does working their way to the top consist of?  Does anyone really have to work one's way to the top to fight Kimbo? 

working your way to the top = fighting who joe/dana tell you to fight and developing your own fan base.

no they just need to get lucky to fight kimbo.

bigtoehold - 
nhbMIKE - i dissagree i think my examples are solid, it all comes down to jealousy.

Hardy sees davis win a bunch of fights and develope a following in his home area, gets jealous of success, call out davis.

also camparing that to fighters asking for a title shot = apples and oranges. the're not calling out the man the're calling out the title imo.

well kimbo is by no means a top fighter, and everyone calling him out is simply because hes an easy win and a household name, i didnt like hardy callin out davis at the time but since then hardys proved to be a factor in the welterweight division and davis is still a gatekeeper

that was a close fight, davis imo lost because he droped back for the heel hook. but imo the results of the decision in that fight doesnt change the fact if it was a chump move by hardy. 

 And Spencer hasn't put his dues in the UFC?  8-4 with some fights of the night, ko's of night, subs of night, fights of the year, etc.?  Dan Hardy called fighters out and look where it took him...straight to the fucking top!  He talked shit and backed it up and now he's fighting for a title.  If you don't appreciate what Spencer has done for the sport, then you're not a true fucking fan.

when did i say i dont apreciate what spencer has done? doesnt mean he deserves to fight gomi and use his superstardom for his own benifit.

If you appreciated what Spencer has done, then you would have never included his name in your examples.

Yeah, the whole world has been chomping at the bit to see Gomi's last five fights.  Gomi is not the superstar he once was, so it's not out of line for Spencer to call him out since he's coming to fight on his home turf.  The majority of UFC fans won't even know who the fuck Gomi is.

 Maybe if you'd have used Dan Quinn in your examples you'd have something... just a thought.

and then there's that dann quinn fella.

 You're the fucking chump for making this thread.

nhbMIKE - when did i say i dont apreciate what spencer has done? doesnt mean he deserves to fight gomi and use his superstardom for his own benifit.

Spencer's post was very respectful. He explained how Gomi was a fighter he studied and molded some of his game after.

Hardy made fun of Davis, a well respected veteran, for his Irish-American heritage.

Spencer paid his dues. I hear what youre saying but didnt agree with that one.