Final word on which belts NEVER come untied

I know I might be in the minority when it comes to this being a MAJOR issue for me. But I simply have zero tolerance for losing your belt every other roll.

I took some time and examined a dozen or so of the major brands out there.

My final analysis is that there are two broad classifications of belts that are worth investing in.

I call them "teaching" belts and "rolling" belts.

Teaching belts are the ones that will be the nicest, most impressive, and last very long. But they are not going to stay tied consistently when youre training hard in them. While its awesome to have a custom belt of top quality, youre better off imo having your name embroidered on a belt that stays tied.

Rolling belts are the few brands that manufacture a belt that stays tied throughout the duration of almost any roll. it will be a rare event to have these belts come undone.


Isami, Katarro, and Eosin Panther all make amazing, gorgeous belts. However, none of them will stay tied consistently throughout heavy training, even after a couple months of being "broken in". I strongly recommend these only if youre looking for a "teaching" belt. To demonstrate or do light drilling in. Youre gonna spend way too much time taking breaks to retie these belts for it to be worthwile.

The ONLY belts that passed my acid test for use during heavy sparring are Koral, Vulcan(same exact make just under a different logo) and surprisingly the Hayabusa deluxe model belt.

All 3 should stay on for around 19/20 rolls minimum with no problem.

What I really liked about the Hayabusa was that its actually made of gi material so it has a ton of grip when you tie it.

The stitching is also much more aesthetically pleasing than on the Koral.

As a side note I know there are some model options for the Kataroo and Eosin belts yet to this day Ive yet to see a single one that stays tied on par with the 3 I mentioned.

Love to hear any thoughts or input.

Just tie it on with a "super knot". No more belts coming loose Phone Post 3.0

^Yeah that was the highest quality to lowest ability to stay tied ratio I thought was imaginable.

As far as knots, I just used the standard traditional belt knot.

pffft. i try and get rid of my belt asap. like within the 1st minute of the round.

Always remember where your Karate comes from.

im breaking in a scramble belt. its a bad ass looking black belt

Although I agree with the selection of the belts, I think a lot has to do with the way you tie it.

I've also seem it takes a year or 2 to break in an Eosin BB. My coach was given his as a gift a couple years back and it's barely to the point where it's not falling off all over the place. Phone Post 3.0

ECM - Just tie it on with a "super knot". No more belts coming loose Phone Post 3.0

I do the super knot since I got promoted to purple and a brand new belt, and it has never once come undone in training.

Just gotta get used to sorta pulling your gi back under the belt and readjusting it which can be a bit weird

The Green Gi belts are made of hemp and are excellent about not coming untied.

They are also made in America.


The People's Knee -

The Green Gi belts are made of hemp and are excellent about not coming untied.

They are also made in America.


I have one of these. It's a quality product. It is solid but has a bit of give (I attribute the to the hemp vs cotton) It also keeps the color pretty decently.

I bought an Isami black belt from japan and I like the hemp belt better. Phone Post 3.0

Vulkan belts are good Phone Post 3.0

Thx great post...I get so annoyed by the belt coming untied Phone Post 3.0

I've had my kataaro for almost 2 years now and always tie it "super knot" style. I tie it once at the beginning of the class and maybe another time towards the end of rolling. Most times i just tuck my gi in as the knot stays tied. It does loosen but i pull the ends to tighten it up. I guess it depends on how u tie it Phone Post 3.0

Got an HCK, and that thing only comes untied about once every two weeks.

I'll give another vote for the HCK!

another vote for the green gi belts.. those things never come undone

Pro Force, the Gucci of belts.


^Yeah that was the highest quality to lowest ability to stay tied ratio I thought was imaginable.

As far as knots, I just used the standard traditional belt knot.

The "super knot" is demonstrated here, along with one other variation and the traditional knot.

Actually a really cool little video.

I have used a HCK belt for purple and brown and don't mind when it comes untied. I use my Gi alot for chokes so makes it easier to grab my own Gi. It doesn't come untied alot but not a bad thing for me when it does.