Final word on which belts NEVER come untied

TheBearStare - im breaking in a scramble belt. its a bad ass looking black belt

Do you know if their colored belts are the same quality as their black belts? and is it thick? i just recently bought a scramble rash guard and love it.

Its how you tie it not the belt.

On the Mat - Its how you tie it not the belt.

Yep. I know Rener gets a lot of guff in a lot of circles but I'm not kidding about the vid.

Check it out and see if it makes a difference.

(... empty your cup...)

Genuinely surprised BJJ never adopted the kurtka style kimono with the belt loops to keep it in place. Phone Post 3.0

. Phone Post 3.0

Another vote for the green gi belt. It will stay tied until the end if time. Phone Post 3.0

I like the way the green gi belt wears, but mine faded really quick

shark tank -
TheBearStare - im breaking in a scramble belt. its a bad ass looking black belt

Do you know if their colored belts are the same quality as their black belts? and is it thick? i just recently bought a scramble rash guard and love it.
I've been barely been using this black belt and I love it. I'm still breaking it in. The thickness seems similar to otm belts. I'm going to assume all the scramble belts are the same thickness. Really nice belt with the japanese characters on it Phone Post 3.0

I love my Kataaro but man, that thing won't stay tied for anything! Phone Post 3.0

This is how the cool people tie their belts:

falsecrack -

I like the way the green gi belt wears, but mine faded really quick

I don't know what rank you are, but I emailed them about the quick fade on my black, and they said to mail it back to them and theyd re-dye it. Seems to be holding better now.

My wife's blue is faded but still looks good. Phone Post 3.0

Who the hell want's a belt that stays tied ALL the time...?!?!?!

"Hold on man, I gotta re-tie my belt" comprises about 20% of my total sparring experience.

Without the tender mercy of that little break, rolling would be completely exhausting!

--No thanks.






BTW... two questions regarding the Eosin Panther belt:

1) Does it conform to the IBJJF guidelines for belts (e.g. the size of the red bar & white stripes)?

2) Is the" Jujitsu Belt" the same as the "Brazilian Jujitsu Belt", just with out the flag on it?


Thank you.

omoplautistic - 
falsecrack -

I like the way the green gi belt wears, but mine faded really quick

I don't know what rank you are, but I emailed them about the quick fade on my black, and they said to mail it back to them and theyd re-dye it. Seems to be holding better now.

My wife's blue is faded but still looks good. Phone Post 3.0

right on, I bought some dye and am gonna give it a shot at redying it myself.  It looks like I'm a white belt again, which could be cool if I travel to someone else's gym, but I am alittle unhappy that it only lasted about 4-5 months before getting this faded.

Matthieu Battle - pffft. i try and get rid of my belt asap. like within the 1st minute of the round.

Not sure if serious, but this is same for me. I want to be using me gi tails as much as I can. Phone Post

i tie mine like a shoelace. bow and all.


sure people think im a fruitcake but im the one laughing when i choke them with THIER belt.

shen -

BTW... two questions regarding the Eosin Panther belt:

1) Does it conform to the IBJJF guidelines for belts (e.g. the size of the red bar & white stripes)?

2) Is the" Jujitsu Belt" the same as the "Brazilian Jujitsu Belt", just with out the flag on it?


Thank you.

1) you can customize those aspects I think?
2) I think so. I got the one without the flag, and it's still a bjj belt, not some hap ki dong fuk belt. (This bastard comes untied a lot, but looks incredible. Mine also wore like crazy on the edges so I have white lines all around the edges of the belt) Phone Post 3.0

shen -

Who the hell want's a belt that stays tied ALL the time...?!?!?!

"Hold on man, I gotta re-tie my belt" comprises about 20% of my total sparring experience.

Without the tender mercy of that little break, rolling would be completely exhausting!

--No thanks.






Sifu Shen is correct as always. A guy needs a breather every now and then. Phone Post 3.0

Its how you tie your belt not the belt

I have an eosin panther and it never comes untied.  Love the belt

Shen, you can order a belt to pretty much any spec from them I think

I also have an eosin panther that stays tied for the most part. Phone Post 3.0