First Martial Art You Would Teach Your Child?

My boy is 9

TKD to develop motor skills and balance @ age 6-7

wrestling now (he loves it)

I teach him to "fight" (boxing, MT, bjj...all for fun) at home

He'll start kickboxing at a school @ around 12 I think

everyone who hates wrestling or is blind to how important it is is just pissed they never wrestled in H.S.

it makes you a man, the fitness stays with you long after you quit, and it breeds competitive nature.

Fuck a McDojo

they need to learn to grapple first (weather its judo, sambo, or wrasslin), then strike (REAL karate, boxing, or MT)



You get them in the right classes and their whole life will be better off. Mind Body and Soul

BJJ isn't just submissions and hip movement it's a lifestyle that when followed will create a much more balanced happy better decision making child or any person for that matter...

Another point is if they are girls like mine then BJJ is the only logical option. Try and rape a BJJ black belt or even a blue lol aint gonna happen.

Wrestling when I was in school had no code of honor no lifestyle just a bunch of kids who thought they were tough till they got punched in the face.

I know steroids and partying abuse and whatnot all came with the mystique of wrestling. Not so in my experience with BJJ its good for the kids IMO

Add boxing cause everyone needs to know how to punch and how to deal with being punched. If they quit thats alright cause they will be better off and when they come back they will be a lot better than the others that are just starting out. Which will give them a ton of confidence....Sky's the limit!

Imo I would not teach a child how to strike or submit until he's old enough to grasp certain very important concepts. that's why Judo or wrestling seem attractive to me...although gymnastics idea I like alot too.

Haole - 
AnotherTMAguy - If you child was preparing to enter primary school, what MA would you teach first?

I'm thinking wrestling with GnP, then escrima after that.
Yea, I would teach my five year old how to tackle people and punch them in the face before teaching them stick and knife fighting - you seem to really have this early childhood education thing all figured out.

P.S: I agree, reading is for fags

LOL! +1

ajl416az -  lol @ the nerds who think because you put on a gi and belt in karate and judo, you somehow learn some budo.

its the instructor, not the style, who teaches things like respect, honor, diligence and discipline.


OneScoup - My son started swimming at 6 months, gymnastics at 12 months. He's going to be in good shape by the time I put him in Judo at 5 or 6 years old. I'm not sure when I'll add in any striking.

 That's an awesome start.

Archangel - BJJ

You get them in the right classes and their whole life will be better off. Mind Body and Soul

BJJ isn't just submissions and hip movement it's a lifestyle that when followed will create a much more balanced happy better decision making child or any person for that matter...

Another point is if they are girls like mine then BJJ is the only logical option. Try and rape a BJJ black belt or even a blue lol aint gonna happen.

Wrestling when I was in school had no code of honor no lifestyle just a bunch of kids who thought they were tough till they got punched in the face.

I know steroids and partying abuse and whatnot all came with the mystique of wrestling. Not so in my experience with BJJ its good for the kids IMO

Add boxing cause everyone needs to know how to punch and how to deal with being punched. If they quit thats alright cause they will be better off and when they come back they will be a lot better than the others that are just starting out. Which will give them a ton of confidence....Sky's the limit!

Good point with the steroids, I'm not familiar with school wrestling but I imagine that the peer pressure involved with competition would probably lead some to drugs. Is competition compulsory for all wrestlers? With BJJ, although competition is encouraged, I'd imagine the pressure is much less than a typical wrestling program.

Start them in Judo young and then let them get into wrestling in High School.

judo - he's less likely to get in trouble with authorities for tripping a kid and holding him down than beating the shit out of them or breaking a limb.

Archangel - BJJ

You get them in the right classes and their whole life will be better off. Mind Body and Soul

BJJ isn't just submissions and hip movement it's a lifestyle that when followed will create a much more balanced happy better decision making child or any person for that matter...

Another point is if they are girls like mine then BJJ is the only logical option. Try and rape a BJJ black belt or even a blue lol aint gonna happen.

Wrestling when I was in school had no code of honor no lifestyle just a bunch of kids who thought they were tough till they got punched in the face.

I know steroids and partying abuse and whatnot all came with the mystique of wrestling. Not so in my experience with BJJ its good for the kids IMO

Add boxing cause everyone needs to know how to punch and how to deal with being punched. If they quit thats alright cause they will be better off and when they come back they will be a lot better than the others that are just starting out. Which will give them a ton of confidence....Sky's the limit!

lol your BJJ vs Wrestling breakdown, to funny. Take that kid I posted in the wrestling video and set him up to roll with the best BJJ kids his age and I bet he'd break the kid down and make him quit. Wrestling is not for every kid though, kids practice is harder then any BJJ adult class I've seen, go watch, 2hr nightmare, its not a 30min class with cupcakes afterwards. My kid wakes me up at 3am to eat just about every night because wrestling practice is so gnarly, he didnt break a sweat in BJJ class

wrestling is the best base to have and build on later

HuntingtonPUNK - 
Archangel - BJJ

You get them in the right classes and their whole life will be better off. Mind Body and Soul

BJJ isn't just submissions and hip movement it's a lifestyle that when followed will create a much more balanced happy better decision making child or any person for that matter...

Another point is if they are girls like mine then BJJ is the only logical option. Try and rape a BJJ black belt or even a blue lol aint gonna happen.

Wrestling when I was in school had no code of honor no lifestyle just a bunch of kids who thought they were tough till they got punched in the face.

I know steroids and partying abuse and whatnot all came with the mystique of wrestling. Not so in my experience with BJJ its good for the kids IMO

Add boxing cause everyone needs to know how to punch and how to deal with being punched. If they quit thats alright cause they will be better off and when they come back they will be a lot better than the others that are just starting out. Which will give them a ton of confidence....Sky's the limit!

lol your BJJ vs Wrestling breakdown, to funny. Take that kid I posted in the wrestling video and set him up to roll with the best BJJ kids his age and I bet he'd break the kid down and make him quit. Wrestling is not for every kid though, kids practice is harder then any BJJ adult class I've seen, go watch, 2hr nightmare, its not a 30min class with cupcakes afterwards. My kid wakes me up at 3am to eat just about every night because wrestling practice is so gnarly, he didnt break a sweat in BJJ class

wrestling is the best base to have and build on later

Yeah I think you proved my point

You are talking about a child right?

Go Go go never stop you pussies! beat the piss out of your training partner! Great mentality also leads to an awful lot of injuries. The mentality, the injuries the only acceptance if you die on the mat, yeah as a father that's not what I'm looking for.....

i did kempo karate from when i was 5 til 13 and wrestling from 13-18. karate is more for self defense, wrestling is staking a claim as a badass. most guys i know that started wrestling first burnt out on it by middle school and it wasnt fun for them anymore

i did kempo karate from when i was 5 til 13 and wrestling from 13-18. karate is more for self defense, wrestling is staking a claim as a badass. most guys i know that started wrestling first burnt out on it by middle school and it wasnt fun for them anymore

i did kempo karate from when i was 5 til 13 and wrestling from 13-18. karate is more for self defense, wrestling is staking a claim as a badass. most guys i know that started wrestling first burnt out on it by middle school and it wasnt fun for them anymore

just like me...wrestling is where they would start. to the jackass talking like he know something about wrestling. ive had more serious injuries skateboarding, snowboarding, and playing football then i ever did in 8yrs of wrestling. you look at hard practices the wrong way. those had practices set me up to succeed.

punk is right, my jr wrestling practices were harded then any bjj class ive ever been too.

Its funny how many people are thinking up these master plans to train their children into MMA superstars or unbeatable street fighters.

I don't think it is pathetic to prepare your child for confrontations with other children or possible child predators. Unless you're are with them 24/7, it is likely he will at the very least, get into a fight.

I was the only Asian kid in a all-white high school, and my father did not believe in fighting, so I took plenty of stick growing up. I would not want that for my child, I'd much rather have him be prepared for the worst and not grow up angry at the world like I was.

Once he has the rudimentary techniques down, I'd be all for him taking up ballet or tennis or whatever he wants. As long as he is capable of taking care of himself.

"Its funny how many people are thinking up these master plans to train their children into MMA superstars or unbeatable street fighters."

Sad to say, but these days it's an arms race with the bullies, even in grade 3. That said, he already displays an aptitude and enthusiasm for grappling from us playing together, so I think he'll enjoy judo come the fall.